"停止运行此脚本" - IE浏览器为大型AJAX请求脚本、浏览器、QUOT、AJAX

由网友(丶虞姬霸王)分享简介:我用jQuery.getJSON(...)做一个稍微大数据集的呼叫/过程响应。响应时间是一个几秒钟的预期(有一个动画的加载图形以安抚用户)。I'm using jQuery.getJSON(...) to make a call/process response for a slightly large data s...


I'm using jQuery.getJSON(...) to make a call/process response for a slightly large data set. The response time being a couple of seconds is expected(there's an animated loading graphic to placate the user).

所有这么说,装载图形,响应,处理等工作正常在所有浏览器。在Internet Explorer(6/7/8),但是,停止运行此脚本出现错误。如果允许继续进行,脚本完成,没有问题。

All being said, the loading graphic, response, process, etc are working fine in all browsers. In Internet Explorer(6/7/8), however, the "Stop running this script" error appears. If allowed to proceed, the script completes with no issue.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#tree").treeview({ collapsed: true, animated: "slow" });


    $.getJSON("mygenerichandler.ashx", function(data) {
        //manipulate data and add to treeview

        $("#loadingGraphic").fadeOut("slow", function() {

我知道这Internet Explorer有一个preference您可以通过Windows注册表设置,但是,我很好奇,其他开发人员如何处理预期或大或响应缓慢回一个AJAX请求。

I realize this Internet Explorer has a preference you can set via the Windows registry, however, I'm curious how other developers handle expected large or slow responses back in an AJAX request.



The slow script notification most likely is not for the actual request, but for the script you are running to process the data received by the request. This could also be the jQuery code that parses your JSON.


If you post your script that is "manipulating the data" (i.e. the commented portion in your snippet), we could perhaps help in optimizing it.

您说的对。你应该考虑的树懒加载。多少根节点你平时有哪些?你可能有一些运气采取 appendTo()圈外。无论是构建整个HTML一气呵成,做大规模 appendTo()或使用没有连接到DOM中间div来积累的节点,然后附加到主 #tree 元素。

You're right. You should consider lazy loading of the tree. How many root nodes do you usually have? You may have some luck taking the appendTo() out of the loop. Either build the whole HTML in one go and do a massive appendTo() or use an intermediate div not attached to the DOM to accumulate the nodes and then append to the main #tree element.

var tempDiv = $('<div></div>');
for (var i in data) {
$("#tree").treeview({ add: tempDiv }); //don't know if this works? Maybe tempDiv.children() ?

