未捕获的类型错误:属性...不是一个函数 - 页面加载后属性、加载、错误、类型

由网友(人帅何须名拽、)分享简介:我使用的跨域Ajax请求外部API。几乎每隔一段时间失败,与控制台消息:I'm using a cross-domain Ajax request to an external API. Every so often it fails, with the console message:Uncaught TypeE...


I'm using a cross-domain Ajax request to an external API. Every so often it fails, with the console message:

Uncaught TypeError: Property 'photos' of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function


Looking at the JSON being returned, it is valid JSON, so it is not the fault of the external API.


I can't reproduce the error reliably: the only factor that seems to trigger the error is when I call the request quickly and repeatedly.


In this case I'm calling the Ajax request when the user moves a Google map (to add markers to the map), and it occurs if the user moves around too quickly.


Here are the relevant parts of my code:

// Code located inside an external JS file referenced inside the head
// Not wrapped inside document.ready - but all the code setting up 
// the map (calling a function which calls a function which adds the 
// tilesloaded listener) *is* inside document.ready
function addMarkers() {
    var pm_url = "http://www.cyclestreets.net/api/photos.json?key=" + MY_KEY;
       url: pm_url,
       crossDomain: true, 
       contentType: "application/json",
       dataType: 'jsonp',
       data: pmdata,
       jsonpCallback: 'photos',
       success: function(data) {
        // TBA
       error: function() {
           alert("Sorry, error retrieving photos!");
 google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'tilesloaded', function() {


Having Googled a bit, the error Uncaught TypeError: Property 'photos' of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function generally seems to occur when jQuery has not been loaded.

不过,我不认为这是与此有关,因为该功能是从地图的tilesloaded事件调用 - 它一般不火的第一​​次,也容易解雇五六快速的地图调整大小后。所以,如果它的工作原理一次,页面肯定不能有被遗忘的关于jQuery的?

However, I don't see that this is relevant here, because the function is called from the map's tilesloaded event - and it doesn't generally fire the first time, it tends to fire after five or six rapid map resizes. So if it works once, the page surely can't have 'forgotten' about jQuery?



如果你想指定的名称的jQuery从成功创建功能的处理程序,但实际上没有定义的一个单独的函数中使用的,你应该使用 JSONP:照片,而不是的jsonpCallback:照片 。目前,它的使用照片中,这意味着它的调用网址照片({...数据...})时,所述JSONP响应返回,并且不存在。在使用 JSONP 选项$。阿贾克斯() 会创建它。你有几个选择这里。

If you want to specify the name of the function that jQuery creates from your success handler, but not actually define a separate function to use, you should use jsonp: 'photos' instead of jsonpCallback: photos. Currently it's using photos in the URL which means it's calling photos({ ...data... }) when the JSONP response comes back, and that doesn't exist. Using the jsonp option on $.ajax() would create it. You have a few options here.


You can do this (in a global scope) either of these two ways:

function addMarkers() {
    var pm_url = "http://www.cyclestreets.net/api/photos.json?key=" + MY_KEY;
       url: pm_url,
       crossDomain: true, 
       contentType: "application/json",
       dataType: 'jsonp',
       data: pmdata,
       jsonpCallback: 'photos',
       error: function() {
           alert("Sorry, error retrieving photos!");
function photos(data) {
    // TBA


Or, what you intended I think:

function addMarkers() {
    var pm_url = "http://www.cyclestreets.net/api/photos.json?key=" + MY_KEY;
       url: pm_url,
       crossDomain: true, 
       contentType: "application/json",
       dataType: 'jsonp',
       data: pmdata,
       jsonp: 'photos',
       success: function(data) {
        // TBA
       error: function() {
           alert("Sorry, error retrieving photos!");


....or just leave both off and let jQuery name the success callback itself (this happens by default, based on a timestamp).


