有没有一种方法插入的Silverlight XAML将使用ASP.NET code隐藏我的网页?我的、网页、方法、Silverlight

由网友(Pour votre 你以为)分享简介:所以,我想在我的ASP.NET网页上创建了一些数据的一些Silverlight的图表。该办法做到这一点,无论是使用 Visifire (我现在的东西)或即将推出的 Silverlight图表,似乎是创建一些XAML,或至少一些Silverlight的对象(想在这个Visifire样本),然后他们的东西到莫名其妙的页面。...

所以,我想在我的ASP.NET网页上创建了一些数据的一些Silverlight的图表。该办法做到这一点,无论是使用 Visifire (我现在的东西)或即将推出的 Silverlight图表,似乎是创建一些XAML,或至少一些Silverlight的对象(想在这个Visifire样本),然后他们的东西到莫名其妙的页面。

So, I want to create some Silverlight charts from some data on my ASP.NET web page. The way to do this, either using Visifire (my current thing) or the upcoming Silverlight charting, seems to be to create some XAML, or at least some Silverlight objects (like in this Visifire sample), and then stuff them into the page somehow.


Strangely, the only way to do this seems to be through JavaScript! That is, I'd have to do something like this:

用户 - >点击按钮 - > JavaScript事件处理程序 - > AJAX调用从服务器片面的方法来获得XAML - >东西的XAML字符串到客户端片面的HTML(如这个一般或这样的Visifire,具体方法)。

User -> click button -> JavaScript event handler -> AJAX call to get XAML from server-sided method -> stuff the XAML-string into the client-sided HTML (like this in general or like this for a Visifire-specific method).

这是非常违反直觉!我宁愿拥有的是做这样的事情,里面的能力 MyPage.aspx.cs

This is highly counterintuitive! What I'd much rather have is the ability to do something like this, inside MyPage.aspx.cs:

protected void MyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.MyFictionalSilverlightControl.Xaml = this.GenerateXamlFromData();

这将是更加美好!我很高兴地让 MyFictionalSilverlightControl 内的的UpdatePanel ,即使它的效率不高;我只希望我能知道如何使这样一个虚构的Silverlight控件。

That would be much nicer! I'm happy to keep MyFictionalSilverlightControl inside an UpdatePanel, even though it's inefficient; I just wish I knew how to make such a fictional Silverlight control.


Any ideas? Or suggestions on how to do this better?



I'd suggest a more AJAXy sort of approach: have JS request the XAML and then runtime insert that XAML into the control (see the HTML Bridge) after the XAML has been returned from the server. That way your control could do a nice animation/transition to the new display.


Still, you can do what you're aiming at:

巴掌的Silverlight服务器控件成你的更新面板。 在写一个aspx页面生成XAML(更改文档类型,使事情变得更容易)

点在.aspx页面中的Silverlight服务器控件: Slap a Silverlight server control into your Update Panel. Write an aspx page to generate the XAML (Change the DocType to make things easier)

Point the Silverlight server control at the .ASPX page:

... ASP:Silverlight的     ID =Xaml1     =服务器     来源=〜/的ClientBin / myXAMLPage.aspx     MinimumVersion =2.0.30523     宽度=100%     高度=100%>

... asp:Silverlight ID="Xaml1" runat="server" Source="~/ClientBin/myXAMLPage.aspx" MinimumVersion="2.0.30523" Width="100%" Height="100%">


Trigger the UpdatePanel to do it's thing whenever a user clicks your button.


Now, whenever a user clicks a button, the Update Panel (containing the Silverlight control) will be rendered, and that SL control will request the XAML file and render what it finds.


Do note, this approach instantiates the control with a XAML file. This means that you won't be able to use managed code in Silverlight. If you need managed code, instead of specifying the "myXAMLPage.aspx" page in the Source, specify your .xap file and then use an initparam to specify "myXAMLPage.aspx". Inside you're Silverlight application, download the xaml file (WebClient or whatever), and then use XamlReader.Load to load it up and display it.

心连心, 埃里克


