JSF和jQuery AJAX - 我怎样才能让他们一起工作?工作、JSF、jQuery、AJAX

由网友(如梦初醒)分享简介:我刚开始在JSF,看起来真棒,但我似乎无法弄清楚这最后一道屏障。I'm just starting out in JSF, looks awesome, but I can't seem to figure out this last barrier.我已经习惯了传统的jQuery的AJAX功能,这是完美的在我的书...


I'm just starting out in JSF, looks awesome, but I can't seem to figure out this last barrier.


I'm used to traditional Jquery AJAX function, which is perfect in my book. But I was hoping to find a way to get it to work in harmony with JSF.


Here is a scenario to explain my situation.


I have a messaging page on my website, where users can send each other messages. So in my xhtml page I have something that looks like this:

<h:inputTextarea id="newMessageContent" value="#{conversationBean.newMessage}"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{siteLang.messages_send}" action="#{conversationBean.sendMessage}">
     <f:ajax render=":conversationMessages" execute="newMessageContent"/>

伟大工程。用户可以发布自己的消息,并加载它在谈话中格以上。但现在我需要添加一些功能。       - 当用户点击,按钮和文本区域应该禁用,以避免相互影响,直到操作完成。而装载机应该出现       - 当JSF完成它的东西时,textarea和按钮应该得到启用,装载机应消失......而焦点又回到了textarea的

Works great. Users can post their message and it loads it in the conversation div above. But now I need to add some features. - When user clicks, the button and textarea should get disabled to avoid interaction until the action is completed. And a loader should appear - When the JSF finishes it's stuff, the textarea and button should get enabled and the loader should disappear...and the focus goes back to the textarea.


In Jquery I would simply do something like this:

    beforeSend: function (){
         // Disable textarea and button, show loader
    complete: function () {
         // Do the inverse of above


Thanks for the help!


添加所需的的OnEvent =jsFunctionName(无支架)的 &LT; F:AJAX

add the onevent="jsFunctionName" (no brackets) needed to your <f:ajax

和您的 jsFunctionName 应为

function openDeleteDevicesDialog(data) {
    console.log(data.status); //while ,data.status can be 1)"begin" 2)"complete" 3)"success"
    if (data.status === 'begin') {...}
    if (data.status === 'complete') {...}
    if (data.status === 'success') {...}


so you should enter this function 3 times

h时的onclick:的commandButton 之前的执行F:AJAX 甚至开始了......)

the onclick of the h:commandButton is executed before the f:ajax even begins...)

注意,通常将执行你的code的时候 data.status ===成功,它当你的页面进行渲染和你的DOM是在其最终形状/状态

Note that usually you will execute your code in the when data.status === 'success' , its when your page is done rendering and your DOM is in its final shape/state

也看看BalusC答案在这里... ...


