
由网友(我龌龊我肮脏我没你会装i)分享简介:我试图让一个轨道表单字段3项目,自动保存,当它被改变。我试图用下面的jQuery的AJAX调用做到这一点:I'm trying to get a form field in a rails 3 project to autosave when it is changed. I'm attempting to do t...


I'm trying to get a form field in a rails 3 project to autosave when it is changed. I'm attempting to do this with the following jQuery ajax call:

$j("#list_" + <%= item.list_id.to_s %> + "_item_" + <%=item.id.to_s %>).live("change", 
           beforeSend: function(request) {
               request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript"); 
           type: 'POST',
           url: '<%= list_text_item_path(List.find(item.list_id), TextItem.find(item.id)) %>/update',
           data: {
                value: $j(this).val(),
                id: '<%= item.id.to_s %>',
                list_id: '<%= item.list_id.to_s %>'
           success: function(){


Whenever the text box is changed, I get the following error in jQuery:

 (c.value || "").replace is not a function

这是在这两个jQuery的-1.5.min.js。我也有与j​​Query-1.4.2.min.js同样的错误发生。 (我更新到1.5,看看是否能帮助什么。)

This is in both jQuery-1.5.min.js. I also had the same error happen with jQuery-1.4.2.min.js. (I updated to 1.5 to see if that would help anything.)

这是我要去哪里错了有什么想法? 非常感谢。

Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong? Thanks so much.


Oh crap, when getting my HTML to post I realized I had the .live() call attached to the form input element's container div and not the form input element itself. I'm having a separate issue but I guess I'll post that once I figure out what might be causing it...



Ugh, I figured it out... a careless error. I had the input element in a HTML list item, and I had the .live() function call attached to the li id rather than the input element id. Thanks for the help above guys.


