阿贾克斯:定义VS实现? (XML VS JSON VS其他)定义、阿贾克斯、VS、JSON



AJAX actually means Asynchronous Javascript And XML. This term was derived because (as I know the story) the first people who started this process transferred data from the server to the client via XML. Lately (well ever since I've started using it actually), JSON has been around and appears to be a real alternative to XML. From my (possibly meager) tests and experience, JSON is smaller, easier, and better for transmitting data.


So my question is this: which do you use to talk to and from the server/client (and possibly why)? Or, what are the "best practices" that you have heard of (and why)?



JSON与XML似乎是一个正在进行的辩论 - 我宁愿去使用JSON,因为它是一个Web服务更适合的功率混搭和AJAX部件,因为它本质上是序列化Javascript对象(因而很容易与JavaScript才能使用)。

JSON versus XML seems to be an ongoing debate - I'd rather go with JSON since it is a better fit for Web services that power mashups and AJAX widgets because it is essentially serialized Javascript objects (and thus easy to use with Javascript).

您可以找到的优点和JSON的缺点和XML在 JSON或一些广泛的比较XML,哪种格式选择和 Ajax响应:?XML ,HTML或JSON?

You can find some extensive comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of JSON and XML on JSON or XML, Which Format to Choose? and The AJAX response: XML, HTML, or JSON?


