使用JSF 2.0 Ajax响应豆函数访问返回值?函数、返回值、JSF、Ajax

由网友(空城°)分享简介:我builiding使用JSF 2.0,用户可以将项目添加到日历然后编辑这些对象调度的应用程序。I'm builiding a scheduling application using JSF 2.0 where users can add items to a calendar then edit those ob...

我builiding使用JSF 2.0,用户可以将项目添加到日历然后编辑这些对象调度的应用程序。

I'm builiding a scheduling application using JSF 2.0 where users can add items to a calendar then edit those objects.


I'm using AJAX quite extensively to keep the page from refreshing.


The problem I am having is to get a return value from the function that is called using AJAX.

<!-- ... form to fill -->
<h:commandButton value="Insert">
   <f:ajax execute="formField1 formField2..." 
    listener="#{myBean.insert()}" onevent="processSave"/>

这成功调用我的JavaScript函数 processSave()

This successfully calls my JavaScript function processSave().

myBean.insert()返回 ID 在数据库中新插入的行

myBean.insert() returns the id of the newly inserted row in the database

public String insert() {
    //... inserting data into database
    id = {id from database is obtained here}
    System.out.println("I have the ID here : " id);  //this works
    return id;

我一直在试图从 processSave()函数中的JavaScript响应对象得到这个。

I've been trying to get this from the response object within JavaScript in the processSave() function.

processSave(data) {
    if(data.status == "begin") {
        // ation done here
    } else if(data.status == "complete") {
        // more actions done here
    } else if(data.status == "success") {
        //I am trying to get the ID here
        //I've tried looking into data.responseXML, but to no avail.


Is what I am trying possible using the current technologies?


I think it would be possible to have a field in the page updated using the render component of the AJAX call, then use Javascript to go get the value. But I'm thinking this wouldn't be as clean?



这是可能的。并与 primefaces 更容易完成。

It is possible. And more easily done with primefaces.


Follow this example, you may find something useful there.


