我如何使用< p:文件上传>用简单的方式和Ajax ="真"?如何使用、文件上传、简单、方式

由网友(Irony 冷嘲)分享简介:我要上传与使用PrimeFaces和ManagedBean的文件。我想用号码:文件上传与模式=简单I want to upload a file with use of PrimeFaces and a ManagedBean. I want use p:fileUpload with mode="simple".X...


I want to upload a file with use of PrimeFaces and a ManagedBean. I want use p:fileUpload with mode="simple".

XHTML code:

    <p:fileUpload id="fileId" mode="simple" value="#{itemBean.upFile}"
        fileLimit="1" />
    <p:commandButton ajax="true" value="Upload File" update="messagess"
                     process="@this" oncomplete="showImage()" />


public void fileUpload(UploadedFile uploadFile, String hiddenKey) {  
    String keyFileName = hiddenKey;

    boolean validFile = true;
    String expression = "([^s]+(.(?i)(gif|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|PNG|GIF|JPG|JPEG|bmp))$)";
    if((uploadFile == null) ) {
        validFile = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Error! "+ "Please select an image.");  
        FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
    else {
    System.out.println("going to file upload"+uploadFile.getFileName()+"---hiddenKey"+keyFileName);
    if((!uploadFile.getFileName().matches(expression)) ) {
        validFile = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Error! "+ uploadFile.getFileName() + " is not an image.");  
        FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
    if(uploadFile.getSize() > 1000000) {
        validFile = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Error! "+ uploadFile.getFileName() + " size is too large.");  
        FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

    if (validFile) {
        // Do what you want with the file        
        try {
            //String extn =uploadFile.getFileName().substring(uploadFile.getFileName().lastIndexOf("."));

            copyFile(uploadFile.getFileName(), uploadFile.getInputstream());

            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Success! "+ uploadFile.getFileName() + " is uploaded.");  
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Error! "+ uploadFile.getFileName()+ " not uploaded.");  
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

我的问题是,我点击了支持bean的命令按钮和方法不被调用。 如果我使用阿贾克斯=假该方法被调用,但页面刷新了。

My problem is, that I clicked on the command button and method in the backing bean is not called. If I use ajax="false" the method is called, but the page got refreshed.

我如何使用阿贾克斯=真正的&LT;电话号码:?文件上传&GT; 一起


&LT;电话号码:文件上传模式=简单&GT; 不支持AJAX。很抱歉,但是这是故事的结束

The <p:fileUpload mode="simple"> doesn't support ajax. Sorry, but this is end of story.

如果切换到兼容AJAX的&LT;电话号码:文件上传模式=高级&GT; 真的不是一种选择,那么你最好的选择是升级到JSF 2.2并利用其新的本地&LT; H:INPUTFILE&GT; 组件代替。它也显示在浏览器的默认look'n'feel并能够通过一个隐藏的iframe招模拟AJAX经验。

If switching to the ajax-compatible <p:fileUpload mode="advanced"> is really not an option, then your best bet is upgrading to JSF 2.2 and use its new native <h:inputFile> component instead. It also shows up in browser default look'n'feel and is capable of simulating the ajax experience via a hidden iframe trick.



Unrelated to the concrete problem, those two arguments in your fileUpload() action method are completely unnecessary. Just the


public void fileUpload() {
    // ...



