
由网友(凯源盛世)分享简介:我遇到一个共同的问题,尝试做AJAX开发时。在可能的情况,我想尝试,只是在现有的布局更新数据,而不是布局本身。例如,采取以下DIV:I run into a common problem when trying to do AJAX development. Where possible, I like to try...


I run into a common problem when trying to do AJAX development. Where possible, I like to try and just update data in an existing layout, and not the layout itself. For example, take the div below:

<div id="content-5">Here is some content</div>

我会得到的内容-5 更新值从服务器只需更换内容-5与价值的内容。这使得有很大的意义进行简单的数据替换其中的值总是会被​​显示在其纯粹的形式。

I would get the updated value for content-5 from the server and just replace the contents of content-5 with the value. This makes a lot of sense for simple data replacements where the value is always going to be displayed in its pure form.


Sometimes the content is more complicated, and I have to actually get more than just raw data... maybe there is some logic to determine how a value is displayed and perhaps the style needs to be different depending on the data inside. In that case, I generally produce the HTML on the server side and inject the HTML into the element instead of just raw data.


Example: A status field from the controller comes back as "complete", but from the design doc, "complete" is supposed to show the user the text "Available" and it needs to be styled in a way different from other statuses.


Doing this in Javascript would require some in-depth view knowledge that the template layer probably already handles. The end result would be the same (code snippet below), but the difference is that there could possibly be some code duplication and a far more complicated Javascript layer.

<div id="content-5"><span class="success">Available</span></div>


Without fail, the requirement comes up that the system will need to handle "new" contents as well. The easiest solution to implement is to just get all of the content's at the same time so that I do not need to handle the extra complexity of injecting a new element instead of just replacing existing content.


So, I create a new template, wrap the contents in another element with an ID, and bulk replace all of the content divs at the same time any time there is a change.

<div id="allContent">
    <div id="content-1">Some content A</div>
    <div id="content-2">Some content B</div>
    <div id="content-3">Some content C</div>
    <div id="content-4">Some content D</div>
    <div id="content-5">Some content E</div>


At some point, I have to wonder: Where is the line? At some point it feels like I'll eventually just be replacing the whole page with an AJAX request. Would this really be a problem?


I realize this may be pretty subjective, but what are some good strategies for determining to which level you should be replacing content with AJAX? Replacing just the data seems to be my preferred method when possible as it makes the AJAX controllers very simple. Replacing larger chunks of HTML from a template seems to be the easiest for handling more complicating layout and design issues and also feels like it could be more easily maintained. Are there other options I have not considered?

我预计将有大约操纵DOM编程的一些讨论,但我个人真的不喜欢这一点。在code最终看起来pretty的可怕,真正开始了太多的布局和设计融入JS层我喜欢。因为我一般用某种模板库工作(无论是原材料PHP,像Smarty的或JSP中的Java PHP模板)似乎更有意义,离开尽可能多视觉设计那里尽可能。

I expect there will be some discussion about manipulating the DOM programatically, but I personally really dislike this. The code ends up looking pretty horrible and really starts to integrate too much layout and design into the JS layer for my liking. Since I generally work with template libraries of some sort (whether raw PHP, PHP templates like Smarty or JSP in Java) it seems to make more sense to leave as much visual design there as possible.



Based on the first few answers, it seems like this is being read as trying to keep the user on the same page but navigating around around the site or otherwise changing the page in a radical way with each update. The question is more about how to determine where the layout work for AJAX calls should happen and whether or not it is an acceptable practice to change large chunks of code with an AJAX request, knowing that replacement code may look nearly identical to what had been there before.


完成个人意见的前虚无的,我的经验法则是改变不超过1面板中的单位和33 %以较低者为准

Complete personal opinion ex nihil, my rule of thumb is to change no more than 1 "panel" unit or 33% of the page whichever is less.

的基础,这是用户应该能够清楚地认识到previous页面的状态是关系到新的状态 - 你会怎么觉得如果你突然被传到建筑到您的权利?轻拿轻较差的用户。

The basis for this is that the user should be able to clearly recognise the previous page state is related to the new state - how would you feel if you were suddenly teleported into the building to your right? Be gentle with your poor user.


There are also serious technical questions about the benefits of moving and inserting basically a page worth of data, which I think is a bit of an AJAX anti-pattern. What benefit does AJAX provide if you're going to do that?


Your specific question seems dependant on the supposition that the response coming back from your AJAX request isn't "just" data. This feels wrong to me from a separation of concerns point of view: I would expect a page to have all the layout information it requires already, the AJAX response itself to provide nothing more than dumb data/markup, and the JS event handler which created the request to sew the two together, MVC style. In that respect I think, yes, you're doing too much.

(由面板,我的意思是一个逻辑设计元件 - 一菜单,一个色带,一个项目的元数据面板,等等。)

(by panel, I mean one logical design element - a menu, a ribbon, an item metadata panel, etc..)



