Primefaces - UI:重复组件不更新组件、Primefaces、UI

由网友(毁你男神做你男人)分享简介:我有一个问题,阿贾克斯更新UI:重复。重复(见code以下):更新来自外部的UI一个命令触发。变量 priceHour 需要计算其他价格(周,Monat ..)I have a problem to ajax update an ui:repeat. The update is triggered from a co...

我有一个问题,阿贾克斯更新UI:重复。重复(见code以下):更新来自外部的UI一个命令触发。变量 priceHour 需要计算其他价格(周,Monat ..)

I have a problem to ajax update an ui:repeat. The update is triggered from a commandButton outside the ui:repeat (see the code below). The variable priceHour is required to calculate the other prices (week, Monat..)

<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:repeat id="alvs" var="alv" value="#{myBean.allV}" >  
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{alv.status == 'ON'}" > 
    <div class="pricing">

        <h:outputText styleClass="bold" value="#{alv.shortName}: "/>

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceHour}" id="hour" required="true" >                 
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />  

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceDay}" id="day" >                
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceWeek}" id="week" >                 
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" /> 

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceMonth}" id="month" >                   
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" /> 


    <p:messages />  


<p:commandButton value="Calculator" actionListener="#{myBean.priceCalc}" process="@this,alvs:hour" update="alvs" /> 

</h:form >

当我按一下按钮没有任何反应和UI:重复和价格都没有更新。哪里不对? 我也试过更新myForm会:alvs,更新:myForm会:alvs:没什么 我使用primefaces 3.5 在此先感谢

When I click the button nothing happens and the ui:repeat and the prices are not updated. What is wrong? I tried also update"myForm:alvs", update":myForm:alvs": nothing! I'm using primefaces 3.5 Thanks in advance


UI:重复不是渲染的成分,所以你不会看到在HTML中任何事情。不能更新的东西,不渲染。另外, UI:重复甚至没有一个 ID 属性

ui:repeat is not a rendered component, so you won't see anything in HTML about it. You can't update something that is not rendered. Also the ui:repeat doesn't even have an id attribute.

您需要换你的 UI:重复一个组件内,如 H:panelGroup中例如是这样的:

You need to wrap your ui:repeat inside a component such as h:panelGroup for example like this :

<h:panelGroup id="alvs">
    <ui:repeat ...>


And update the panelgroup in your button :

<p:commandButton value="Calculator" actionListener="#{myBean.priceCalc}" process="@this,alvs" update="alvs" />


Notice that I've removed the :hour since you can't spectify it, each IDs will be different for each repeat.


JSF 2.0用户界面:重复

