
由网友(Naive (天真))分享简介:我是很新的MVC和C#,我试图建立一个预约系统,这样,当用户选择一个实践,配镜和日期的JSON查询返回的可用时间。 我的视图模型:公共类BookingViewModel{[显示(名称=选择病人)公众的Guid PatientId {获得;组; }公开的IEnumerable< SelectListItem&GT...



    公众的Guid PatientId {获得;组; }
    公开的IEnumerable< SelectListItem> PatientList {获得;组; }

    公众的Guid PracticeId {获得;组; }
    公开的IEnumerable< SelectListItem> PracticeList {获得;组; }

    公众的Guid OpticianId {获得;组; }
    公开的IEnumerable< SelectListItem> OpticiansList {获得;组; }

    [显示(NAME =选择日期)
    [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = TRUE,DataFormatString ={0:DD / MM / YYYY})]
    公开日期时间日期{获得;组; }

    [显示(NAME =选择时间)
    公众的Guid TIMEID {获得;组; }
    公开的IEnumerable< SelectListItem> TimeList {获得;组; }


        BookingViewModel bookingViewModel =新BookingViewModel();
        // Initilises选择列表



    // Initilises选择列表
    公共无效ConfigureCreateViewModel(BookingViewModel bookingViewModel)
        bookingViewModel.OpticiansList = db.Opticians.Select(O =>新建SelectListItem()
            值= o.OpticianId.ToString(),
            文字= o.User.FirstName

        bookingViewModel.PatientList = db.Patients.Select(P =>新建SelectListItem()
            值= p.PatientId.ToString(),
            文字= p.User.FirstName

        bookingViewModel.PracticeList = db.Practices.Select(P =>新建SelectListItem()
            值= p.PracticeId.ToString(),
            文字= p.PracticeName

        bookingViewModel.TimeList = db.Times.Select(T =>新建SelectListItem()
            值= t.TimeId.ToString(),
            文字= t.AppointmentTime


    //邮编:Bookings1 /创建
    公众的ActionResult创建(BookingViewModel bookingViewModel)
        如果(ModelState.IsValidField(日期)及和放大器; DateTime.Now> bookingViewModel.Date)

            // Initilises选择名单
            返回查看(bookingViewModel); //返回用户预约页面

            booking.isAvail = FALSE;
            booking.PracticeId = bookingViewModel.PracticeId;
            booking.OpticianId = bookingViewModel.OpticianId;
            booking.PatientId = bookingViewModel.PatientId;
            booking.Date = bookingViewModel.Date;
            booking.TimeId = bookingViewModel.TimeId;

            booking.BookingId = Guid.NewGuid();


  // JSON来返回Availiable倍
    公共JsonResult AvailTimes(GUID practiceId中GUID opticianId,日期时间为准)
        变种timesList = db.Bookings.Where(一个=> a.PracticeId == practiceId)
                                   。凡(一个=> a.OpticianId == opticianId)
                                   。凡(A => a.Date ==日)
                                   。凡(A =>!a.isAvail = FALSE)
                                   。选择(A =>新建
            值= a.TimeId,
            文字= a.Time.AppointmentTime

小组头名之争 利物浦主场势不可挡,阿贾克斯能否抵挡攻势


    VAR次= $(#TIMEID); //缓存时间元素
            网址:@ Url.Action(AvailTimes,预订),
            对于(VAR I = 0; I< timesList.length;我++){
                times.append(<期权价值=+ timesList [I] .value的+>中+ timesList [I]。文+< /选项>中);


 < D​​IV CLASS =形组>
        @ Html.LabelFor(型号=> model.Date,htmlAttributes:新{@class =控制标签COL-MD-2})
        < D​​IV CLASS =COL-MD-10>
            @ Html.EditorFor(型号=> model.Date,新{htmlAttributes =新{@class =表单控制}})
            @ Html.ValidationMessageFor(型号=> model.Date,,新{@class =文本危险})
        < / DIV>
    < / DIV>

在预订时作出IsAvail设置为false,所以我试图做我的JSON LINQ查询是返回可用的齿



指定的值'01 / 01/0001,不符合要求的格式,'YYYY-MM-DD。

 <数据-VAL =真正的数据-VAL-日期输入级=形式控制文本框单行=字段选择日期必须是日期。数据-VAL-所需=在选择日期字段是必须的。 ID =日期NAME =日期类型=日期值=01/01/0001/>

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated,谢谢





然而,当我选择练习,配镜和日期时间还   禁用。我检查了控制台,我得到以下警告:



公共JsonResult AvailTimes(GUID practiceId中GUID opticianId,日期时间?日)
    VAR timesList = db.Bookings
           。凡(一个=> a.PracticeId == practiceId&安培;&安培;
                  a.OpticianId == opticianId和放大器;&安培;)
                  a.isAvail =假放大器;!&安培;);

        timesList = timesList.Where(I => i.Date == date.Value);

    VAR最终= timesList.Select(A =>新建
        值= a.TimeId,
        文字= a.Time.AppointmentTime





您的格式(通常是在南美洲使用):DD / MM / YYYY



公共JsonResult AvailTimes(GUID practiceId中GUID opticianId,串号)
    VAR timesList = db.Bookings
           。凡(一个=> a.PracticeId == practiceId&安培;&安培;
                  a.OpticianId == opticianId和放大器;&安培;)
                  a.isAvail =假放大器;!&安培;);

       System.Globalization.CultureInfo yourCulture =
         新System.Globalization.CultureInfo(PT-BR); //例
       日期时间yourDate = DateTime.Parse(日期,yourCulture);
        timesList = timesList.Where(I => i.Date == yourDate);

    VAR最终= timesList.Select(A =>新建
        值= a.TimeId,
        文字= a.Time.AppointmentTime




I'm very new to MVC and C# and I am trying to create a booking system so that when a user selects a Practice, Optician and Date a JSON query returns the available times.

My View Model:

public class BookingViewModel
    [Display (Name = "Select Patient")]
    public Guid PatientId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> PatientList { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Select Practice")]
    public Guid PracticeId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> PracticeList { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Select Optician")]
    public Guid OpticianId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> OpticiansList { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Select Date")]
    [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}")]
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Select Time")]
    public Guid TimeId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> TimeList { get; set; }      


    public ActionResult Create()
        // Creates a new booking
        BookingViewModel bookingViewModel = new BookingViewModel();
        // Initilises Select List

        return View(bookingViewModel);


    // Initilises Select List 
    public void ConfigureCreateViewModel(BookingViewModel bookingViewModel)
        // Displays Opticians Name 
        bookingViewModel.OpticiansList = db.Opticians.Select(o => new SelectListItem()
            Value = o.OpticianId.ToString(),
            Text = o.User.FirstName

        // Displays Patients name 
        bookingViewModel.PatientList = db.Patients.Select(p => new SelectListItem()
            Value = p.PatientId.ToString(),
            Text = p.User.FirstName

        // Displays Practice Name
        bookingViewModel.PracticeList = db.Practices.Select(p => new SelectListItem()
            Value = p.PracticeId.ToString(),
            Text = p.PracticeName

        // Displays Appointment Times 
        bookingViewModel.TimeList = db.Times.Select(t => new SelectListItem()
            Value = t.TimeId.ToString(),
            Text = t.AppointmentTime


    // Allows Admin to create booking for patient 
    // POST: Bookings1/Create
    public ActionResult Create(BookingViewModel bookingViewModel)
        // to ensure date is in the future
        if (ModelState.IsValidField("Date") && DateTime.Now > bookingViewModel.Date)
            ModelState.AddModelError("Date", "Please enter a date in the future");

        // if model state is not valid
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            // Initilises Select lists
            return View(bookingViewModel); // returns user to booking page

        else // if model state is Valid
            Booking booking = new Booking();
            // Sets isAvail to false
            booking.isAvail = false;
            booking.PracticeId = bookingViewModel.PracticeId;
            booking.OpticianId = bookingViewModel.OpticianId;
            booking.PatientId = bookingViewModel.PatientId;
            booking.Date = bookingViewModel.Date;
            booking.TimeId = bookingViewModel.TimeId;

            // Generates a new booking Id
            booking.BookingId = Guid.NewGuid();
            // Adds booking to database
            // Saves changes to Database
            // Redirects User to Booking Index
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

JSON Query to return Available times:

    // Json to return Availiable times
    public JsonResult AvailTimes(Guid practiceId, Guid opticianId, DateTime date )
        var timesList = db.Bookings.Where(a => a.PracticeId == practiceId)
                                   .Where(a => a.OpticianId ==opticianId)
                                   .Where(a => a.Date == date)
                                   .Where(a => a.isAvail != false)
                                   .Select(a => new
            Value = a.TimeId,
            Text = a.Time.AppointmentTime

        return Json(timesList);

Ajax to populate times:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var times = $("#TimeId"); // Cache Time element
    times.prop("disabled", true);
    $("#PracticeId","#OpticianId","#Date").change(function () {
            url: "@Url.Action("AvailTimes","Bookings")",
            type: "POST",
            data: { Id: $(this).val() }
        }).done(function (timesList) {
            for (var i = 0; i < timesList.length; i++) {
                times.append("<option value=" + timesList[i].Value + ">" + timesList[i].Text + "</option>");
            times.prop("disabled", false);


    <div class="form-group">
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Date, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" })
        <div class="col-md-10">
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Date, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })
            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Date, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })

When a booking is made the IsAvail is set to false, therefore what I am trying to do with my JSON LINQ Query is return the tines that are available

However when I select a Practice, Optician and Date the Time is still disabled. I checked the console and am getting the following warning:

The specified value '01/01/0001' does not conform to the required format, 'yyyy-MM-dd'.

<input class="form-control text-box single-line" data-val="true" data-val-date="The field Select Date must be a date." data-val-required="The Select Date field is required." id="Date" name="Date" type="date" value="01/01/0001" />

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks


Well, there are some problems in your code.


However when I select a Practice, Optician and Date the Time is still disabled. I checked the console and am getting the following warning:

If the DateTime input is disabled (and empty), it means that you are sending a "null" datetime value to the controller. Since datetime cannot be null, it takes the default value, which is '0001/01/01'.

To solve this, you can use a nullable datetime parameter, like this:

public JsonResult AvailTimes(Guid practiceId, Guid opticianId, DateTime? date )
    var timesList = db.Bookings
           .Where(a => a.PracticeId == practiceId &&
                  a.OpticianId ==opticianId &&)
                  a.isAvail != false &&);

     if (date.HasValue)
        timesList = timesList.Where(i => i.Date == date.Value);

    var final = timesList.Select(a => new
        Value = a.TimeId,
        Text = a.Time.AppointmentTime

    return Json(final);


In your view, you are using a date in a different format than en-US culture.


your format (usually used in South America): DD/MM/YYYY

If your server uses the en-US culture, which usually is the default, it might not recognize your date.

You have several choices. You can send your date as string and parse it using a specific culture. Like this:

public JsonResult AvailTimes(Guid practiceId, Guid opticianId, string date )
    var timesList = db.Bookings
           .Where(a => a.PracticeId == practiceId &&
                  a.OpticianId ==opticianId &&)
                  a.isAvail != false &&);

     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(date)) {
       System.Globalization.CultureInfo yourCulture =
         new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pt-BR"); //example
       DateTime yourDate = DateTime.Parse(date, yourCulture);
        timesList = timesList.Where(i => i.Date == yourDate);

    var final = timesList.Select(a => new
        Value = a.TimeId,
        Text = a.Time.AppointmentTime

    return Json(final);

Another way to accomplish this is to change the culture of the entire thread/or application. So, the MVC model binder will automatically recognize your date format, and no parse will be necessary.

There are others techniques you can use to handle date format in web application. If your application is accessed by only one culture, you probably won't have any problems. However, if your application is accessed by several cultures, I recommend you to read more about date time techniques on the internet.


