
由网友(半城烟沙、搁浅不了我的伤)分享简介:我使用的数据表创建一个表,但它加载非常缓慢。我约。 9000记录了需要从SQL服务器处理(PHP是不是一个选项)。我使用XML和Spring MVC。我使用的是XML和Java来收集数据,并把它变成一个HashSet的(我曾经尝试列表还,既不显得比其他快)。 在我进入JS我使用一个for循环来填充我的数组,然后我使用的...

我使用的数据表创建一个表,但它加载非常缓慢。我约。 9000记录了需要从SQL服务器处理(PHP是不是一个选项)。我使用XML和Spring MVC。我使用的是XML和Java来收集数据,并把它变成一个HashSet的(我曾经尝试列表还,既不显得比其他快)。




  VAR InternationalSet = [];
变种storeIndex = 0;
c为C:的forEach项=$ {InternationalList}变种=项>
InternationalSet [storeIndex] = ['', "${entry.getStoreId()}","${entry.getOrderPhone()}","${entry.getAddress1()}","${entry.getCity()}","${entry.getState()}", $ {entry.getZip()},$ {entry.getMgrName()},
  $ {entry.getFranchiseeName()},$ {entry.getOrglvl6Descr()},$ {entry.getCommDescr()},$ {entry.getOrglvl8Name()},$ {entry.getLatitude ()},$ {entry.getLongitude()}];
 storeIndex ++;
< / C:的forEach>
$('#dataTable的)HTML('<表格的cellpadding =0CELLSPACING =0的边界=0的风格=宽度:99%;颜色:黑色类=显示紧凑型ID = tableOne>< /表>');
无功表= $('#tableOne)。数据表({
  DOM:< L< T> IP>',

解决方案 精选 2019年7月R新包推荐 第32期


  VAR InternationalSet = [
c为C:的forEach项目=$ {InternationalList}VAR =EvarStatus =状态>
     $ {e.getStoreId()},
     $ {e.getOrderPhone()},
     $ {e.getAddress1()},
     $ {e.getCity()},
     $ {e.getState()},
     $ {e.getZip()},
     $ {e.getMgrName()},
     $ {e.getFranchiseeName()},
     $ {e.getOrglvl6Descr()},
     $ {e.getCommDescr()},
     $ {e.getOrglvl8Name()},
     $ {e.getLatitude()},
     $ {e.getLongitude()}
  ] c为C:如果测试=$ {status.last!}>,< / C:如果>
< / C:的forEach>


数据: [
c为C:的forEach项目=$ {InternationalList}VAR =EvarStatus =状态>
< / C:的forEach>


画:$ {param.draw},
recordsTotal:$ {yourTotal},
recordsFiltered:$ {yourFiltered},
数据: [
c为C:的forEach项目=$ {InternationalList}VAR =EvarStatus =身份
   开始=$ {param.start}结束=$ {param.start + param.length}>
< / C:的forEach>


I am using DataTables to create a table, but it is loading awfully slow. I have approx. 9000 records that need to be processed from an SQL server (php is not an option). I am using XML and Spring MVC. I am using an XML and Java to gather the data and put it into a HashSet (i have tried lists also, neither seem faster than the other).

Once I get into JS I am using a for loop to populate my arrays, then I am using that as the "data" for the data tables. My understanding is that using serverSide and "ajax" (in place of data) will speed things up significantly so I was wondering if there was a way to take my arrays and use them as AJAX.


Current code:

var InternationalSet = [];
var storeIndex = 0;
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="entry">
InternationalSet[storeIndex]= ['', "${entry.getStoreId()}","${entry.getOrderPhone()}","${entry.getAddress1()}","${entry.getCity()}","${entry.getState()}", "${entry.getZip()}", "${entry.getMgrName()}", 
  "${entry.getFranchiseeName()}", "${entry.getOrglvl6Descr()}","${entry.getCommDescr()}", "${entry.getOrglvl8Name()}", "${entry.getLatitude()}", "${entry.getLongitude()}"];
$('#dataTable').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 99%; color:black" class="display compact" id="tableOne"></table>' );
var table = $('#tableOne').DataTable( {
  "dom": '<l<t>ip>',
  "deferRender": true,
  "lengthChange": false, 
  "data": InternationalSet,
  "pageLength": 10,
  "orderMulti": false, 
  "columns": [.....


This is not a complete answer, but a quick improvement is to populate your list as a single statement instead of 9000.

var InternationalSet = [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status">
   [ '',
  ] <c:if test="${!status.last}">,</c:if>   

You can remove some of the new lines from the above to compactify it a little. Minor changes to the script also builds a single JSON object which you can return in an AJAX response to populate the table.

"data": [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status">

If you are returning the data in sections from the server, your response would be changed to

"draw": ${param.draw},
"recordsTotal": ${yourTotal},
"recordsFiltered": ${yourFiltered},
"data": [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status"
   begin="${param.start}" end="${param.start + param.length}" >

(You will have to add some range/value checking on the param values)


