
由网友(带着梦想出发)分享简介:我希望能够以我自己的项目,从琳琅满目的产品添加到列表拖动从阿贾克斯调用返回的基础上,在的 http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/#shopping-cart 。I want to be able to add my own items to a draggable list from...

我希望能够以我自己的项目,从琳琅满目的产品添加到列表拖动从阿贾克斯调用返回的基础上,在的 http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/#shopping-cart 。

I want to be able to add my own items to a draggable list from an array of products returned from an .ajax call, based on the shopping cart example at http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/#shopping-cart.


I've tried a number of variations of appending, etc. to get them into the list, all of which get them to "appear", but are not draggable. I've been googling this for a couple of days, and am not finding a clear explanation of how to accomplish it. I keep finding answers about .live, but that is apparently a deprecated solution.


Here's the basic code I'm trying to make work. I've left out the half dozen attempts I've made in hopes that someone will give me the most "correct" way of doing it, rather than try to improve upon a bunch of my experiments. If it matters, this code is to be executed when opening a modal dialog form.

        type: "POST",
        url: "GetMyProducts.php",
        data: dataString,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(data) {
            // data returned is:
            // {"product_id": 10004, "product_name": "DVD"}, 
            // {"product_id": 10040, "product_name": "CD"}, 
            // {"product_id": 10059, "product_name": "Blue-Ray"}
            $.each(data, function(i,item) {
                // WHAT do I do here to append my data as a draggable List Item?

    <div id="products">
        <h1 class="ui-widget-header">Products</h1>    
        <div id="catalog">
            <h3>My Products</h3>

的李项萤火虫 - 近两年没有所有的神奇

Firebug of the LI items - the last two don't have all the "magic"


看起来像你将不得不使用 $(选择).draggable(消灭); (以及可能的投掷的和可能的排序),并重新初始化。文档说,消灭将恢复到原来的状态,虽然。让我们大家都知道,如果你找到另一种方式。

Looks like you're going to have to use $(selector).draggable( "destroy" ); ( and possibly droppable and possibly sortable ) and re-initialize. Docs say that "destroy" will return to original state though. Let us all know if you find another way.


I am working on a similar situation now, and will update this post with the solution I find.


