当jQuery.AJAX发送到PHP乱码(UTF-8和; ISO-8859不兼容)发送到、乱码、不兼容、AJAX

由网友(莪的男人,伱別想別念別碰)分享简介:我有做以下一个JavaScript / PHP脚本:I have a javascript/PHP script that does the following:Uses javascript to find text on a web-page.Transmits the text using jQuery A...

我有做以下一个JavaScript / PHP脚本:

I have a javascript/PHP script that does the following:

Uses javascript to find text on a web-page.
Transmits the text using jQuery AJAX to a PHP page.
The PHP stores the text in a MySQL database. 


The trouble is, when I look at what has been stored in the database, some non-ASCII characters are corrupted.


I have simplified the problem and printed out the character codes of each letter to investigate what is going on.

例如:通过发送一个字符时,英镑的象征。 当我检查在PHP中,正在接收的是为0xC2其次是0xA3执行字符 (资本抑扬由英镑follwed)。 即获得£前一个虚假的额外字符)。

For example: send over a single character, the pound sterling symbol. When I check in PHP, what is being received is characters 0xC2 followed by 0xA3 (capital A circumflex follwed by pound sterling). Ie getting a spurious extra character  before the £).


I've looked at similar problems which suggested setting the jQuery.ajax contentType etc, but none of this made sense to me.





The problem seems to be that the jQuery.ajax transmits data to the server using UTF-8 but the PHP expects iso-8859-1.

解决方案:在PHP中使用utf8_de code函数转换为UTF-8至ISO,例如:

Solution: in PHP convert UTF-8 to ISO using the utf8_decode function, e.g.

$incomming = utf8_decode($_REQUEST('incomming'));

而当你将数据发送回阿贾克斯返回处理,使用utf8_en code()转换回UTF-8。

And when you send data back for the ajax return handler, use utf8_encode() to convert back to UTF-8.

这似乎工作的其他东西包括使用事先传输到服务器,然后取消逃脱在PHP中的数据与URLde code(数据)。

Other things that seem to work include using the javascript escape() function on the data prior to transmission to the server and then un-escape the data in PHP with URLdecode().


Other things I tried but couldn't get to work:

我试图让阿贾克斯发射的ISO-8859-1所以这将是与PHP兼容:在jquery.ajax设置:contentType中:应用程序/ x-WWW的形式urlen codeD;字符集= ISO-8859-1。 似乎没有任何效果。

I tried to make ajax transmit in iso-8859-1 so it would be compatible with the PHP: In the jquery.ajax settings: contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=iso-8859-1". Seemed to have no effect.

我试图让PHP使用UTF-8:标题(内容类型:text / html的;字符集= UTF-8)。 这又没有工作。

I tried to make PHP use UTF-8: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'). Again it didnt work.


