
由网友(。°s无忌惮)分享简介:是否有可能没有Active-X显示用户的在线状态?在我的google搜索,我发现了一些文章有关使用在OWS.JS文件IMNRC()函数在sharepoint显示MOC在线状态,但这似乎pretty的老斯库尔所有活动-X的对象实例化和其结果将只能在IE浏览器。Is it possible to display a us...


Is it possible to display a user's online status without Active-X? In my googling I've found a number of articles about displaying MOC online status on Sharepoint using the IMNRC() function in the OWS.js file but this seems pretty old-skool with all of the Active-X object instantiation and as a result will only work in Internet Explorer.


Is there a simple method of getting an online status using some kind of back-end API call to the communication server by passing their email address?

欢呼 马库斯


我贡献了一个名为HTML $ codePLEX项目p $ psence控件的Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - 检查它在的 HTTP://html$p$psencecontrols.$c$cplex.com/ 。

I contribute to a CodePlex project called HTML Presence Controls for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - check it out at http://htmlpresencecontrols.codeplex.com/.


As Paul mentioned above, the architecture behind such a solution would be create a backend service that exposes WCF methods to query the presence of contacts. You could query that from an ASP.NET server control in an ASPX page, or even a JavaScript implementation in HTML or PHP.


The CodePlex project should give you a good idea of how to build something like that.


