
由网友(一个人的旅程)分享简介:我想送我从表中使用AJAX让我在JS​​P中其他JSP参数。我现在用的是followinf函数来发送所有的值到JSP:当作ajaxForm,但我不知道为什么送我每次运行它​​失败:下面是javascript函数:函数editarow(){VAR XHR = getXhr();xhr.onreadystatechang...

我想送我从表中使用AJAX让我在JS​​P中其他JSP参数。 我现在用的是followinf函数来发送所有的值到JSP:当作ajaxForm,但我不知道为什么送我每次运行它​​失败:


    VAR XHR = getXhr();
    xhr.onreadystatechange =功能(){
        如果(xhr.readyState == 4和&安培; xhr.status == 200){
            选择= xhr.responseText;
            。的document.getElementById('prjsel)的innerHTML =选择;

    VAR键= table.getElementsByTagName(按钮);
    对于(VAR I = 0; I< buttons.length;我++){
            按钮[I] .onclick =功能(){
                行= this.parentNode.parentNode;

                NameCell1 = findElement(row.firstChild);
                NameCell2 = findElement(NameCell1.nextSibling);
                NameCell3 = findElement(NameCell2.nextSibling);
                NameCell4 = findElement(NameCell3.nextSibling);
                NameCell5 = findElement(NameCell4.nextSibling);
                NameCell6 = findElement(NameCell5.nextSibling);
                NameCell7 = findElement(NameCell6.nextSibling);

                / *警报(名1+ NameCell1.innerHTML);
                警报(名2+ NameCell2.innerHTML);
                警报(名3+ NameCell3.innerHTML);
                警报(名4+ NameCell4.innerHTML);
                警报(5名是+ NameCell5.innerHTML);
                警报(名6为+ NameCell6.innerHTML);
                警报(7名是+ NameCell7.innerHTML); * /


    xhr.setRequestHeader(内容类型,应用程序/ x-WWW的形式urlen codeD');
    xhr.send("NameCell1="+NameCell1,"NameCell2="+NameCell2,"NameCell3="+NameCell3,"NameCell4="+NameCell4,"NameCell5="+NameCell5,"NameCell6="+NameCell6,"NameCell7="+NameCell7 );

在我从桌子我想送他们都值了 ajaxForm.jsp



xhr.send("NameCell1="+NameCell1,"NameCell2="+NameCell2,"NameCell3="+NameCell3,"NameCell4="+NameCell4,"NameCell5="+NameCell5,"NameCell6="+NameCell6,"NameCell7="+NameCell7 ); Ajax基础教程 3 大势至软件官网,禁止BT下载,路由器限制看电影,抢流量的软件,限制电脑上网,限制网页游戏 数据防泄密系统,企业防泄密软件,数据防泄漏解决方案,企业数据防泄密



  xhr.send(NameCell1 =+ NameCell1 +,NameCell2 =+ NameCell2 +等......);

这是说,这应该不过有差错的JavaScript控制台。你有没有注意这个?总之,为了更好的JavaScript调试,我建议你抢萤火虫并为更简洁/不透明,更crossbrowser兼容的Ajax处理和HTML DOM穿越,我强烈建议你看看 jQuery的。与jQuery和 Ajax表格插件你本来准备只用下面几行:



I am trying to send parameters that I get from a table in my jsp to other JSP using ajax. I am using the followinf function to send all values to JSP: ajaxForm but I don't know why the send failed every time I run it:

Here is the javascript function:

function editarow() {
    var xhr = getXhr();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
            selects = xhr.responseText;
            // On se sert de innerHTML pour rajouter les options a la liste
            document.getElementById('prjsel').innerHTML = selects;

    var row, firstNameCell, lastNameCell;
    var table = document.getElementById("sheet");
    var buttons = table.getElementsByTagName("button");
    for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
        if (buttons[i].name == "edit") {
            buttons[i].onclick = function() {
                row = this.parentNode.parentNode;

                // The first name cell is the first child
                NameCell1 = findElement(row.firstChild);
                NameCell2 = findElement(NameCell1.nextSibling);
                NameCell3 = findElement(NameCell2.nextSibling);
                NameCell4 = findElement(NameCell3.nextSibling);
                NameCell5 = findElement(NameCell4.nextSibling);
                NameCell6 = findElement(NameCell5.nextSibling);
                NameCell7 = findElement(NameCell6.nextSibling);

                // `innerHTML` pour obtenir la valeur
                /*alert("name 1  is " + NameCell1.innerHTML);
                alert("name 2  is " + NameCell2.innerHTML);
                alert("name 3  is " + NameCell3.innerHTML);
                alert("name 4  is " + NameCell4.innerHTML);
                alert("name 5  is " + NameCell5.innerHTML);
                alert("name 6  is " + NameCell6.innerHTML);
                alert("name 7 is " + NameCell7.innerHTML);*/


    xhr.open("POST", "ajaxForm.jsp", true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    xhr.send("NameCell1="+NameCell1,"NameCell2="+NameCell2,"NameCell3="+NameCell3,"NameCell4="+NameCell4,"NameCell5="+NameCell5,"NameCell6="+NameCell6,"NameCell7="+NameCell7 );

After I get the value from the table I want to send all of them to the ajaxForm.jsp.


From the last line:

xhr.send("NameCell1="+NameCell1,"NameCell2="+NameCell2,"NameCell3="+NameCell3,"NameCell4="+NameCell4,"NameCell5="+NameCell5,"NameCell6="+NameCell6,"NameCell7="+NameCell7 );

This isn't the way to concatenate a String in JavaScript.

Since you're using JSP, you should know Java as well. You should concatenate the String in JavaScript the same way as you would do in Java:

xhr.send("NameCell1=" + NameCell1 + ",NameCell2=" + NameCell2 + "etc...");

That said, this should however have errored in the JavaScript console. Did you pay attention to this? Anyway, for better JavaScript debugging I suggest you to grab Firebug and for less verbose/opaque and more crossbrowser compatible Ajax handling and HTML DOM traversal, I strongly recommend you to have a look at jQuery. With jQuery and the Ajax Form Plugin you would have been ready with only the following lines:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#formId').ajaxForm(function(response) {

This way you don't need to worry about browser specific details and how to send the request properly.


