
由网友(陌、小离)分享简介:我有一个问题,我需要你的帮助!我想要得到的p值选择:selectOneListbox当我点击一棵树,但价值总是空的,即使我点击号码:selectOneListbox第一。这是我的XHTML code:I have a problem and I need your helps!!! I want to get sel...

我有一个问题,我需要你的帮助!我想要得到的p值选择:selectOneListbox当我点击一棵树,但价值总是空的,即使我点击号码:selectOneListbox第一。这是我的XHTML code:

I have a problem and I need your helps!!! I want to get selected value of p:selectOneListbox when I click on a tree, but the value is always null, even though I clicked on p:selectOneListbox first. Here is my xhtml code:

<p:selectOneListbox id="selectRole"
            filter="true" filterMatchMode="contains">
            <f:selectItems value="#{grandUseAuthoritiesBean.roleList}"
                var="role" itemLabel="#{role.code}" itemValue="#{role.roleId}" />
<p:tree value="#{grandUseAuthoritiesBean.root}"
                selectionMode="single" var="node"
                style="font-size:13px; width:100%;border-width:0">
                <p:treeNode icon="ui-icon-calculator">
                    <h:outputText value="#{node}" />
                <p:ajax event="select" update="@([id$=privilegeChecbox])"


and here is my manage bean's code:

public String selectedRoleId;
public String getSelectedRoleId() {
    return selectedRoleId;
public void setSelectedRoleId(String selectedRoleId) {
    this.selectedRoleId = selectedRoleId;
public void onNodeSelect(NodeSelectEvent event) {
    if (selectedRoleId!=null)
     System.out.println("selected Role Id: "+ this.selectedRoleId);


I can't print the variable "selectedRoleId" coz it is null but if I use a button'method to call this variable, I can get its value. What should I do? Thanks for reading my question!


当你选择一些从列表框中,直到您发送的形式或做部分发这么因此空值,它不支持bean里面看到的东西是。加入部分处理为&LT;电话号码:selectOneListbox&GT; ,并再次检查:

The thing is when you choose something from listbox it is not visible inside backing bean until you send a form or do a partial sending so hence null value. Add partial processing to <p:selectOneListbox> and check again:

&LT;电话号码:AJAX程序=@这个partialSubmit =真/&GT;

<p:ajax process="@this" partialSubmit="true" />

还有类似的话题: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14988129/3803447


