
由网友(热情喂给风)分享简介:由于大小n和k的数组,你是怎么找到的最大尺寸为k的每一个连续的子阵?Given an array of size n and k, how do you find the maximum for every contiguous subarray of size k?例如arr = 1 5 2 6 3 1 24...


Given an array of size n and k, how do you find the maximum for every contiguous subarray of size k?


arr = 1 5 2 6 3 1 24 7
k = 3
ans = 5 6 6 6 24 24


I was thinking of having an array of size k and each step evict the last element out and add the new element and find maximum among that. It leads to a running time of O(nk). Is there a better way to do this?



You need a fast data structure that can add, remove and query for the max element in less than O(n) time (you can just use an array if O(n) or O(nlogn) is acceptable). You can use a heap, a balanced binary search tree, a skip list, or any other sorted data structure that performs these operations in O(log(n)).

好消息是,最流行的语言都实现了一个排序的数据结构支持这些操作为您服务。 C ++有的std ::设为的std :: multiset的(你可能需要后者)和Java具有 TreeSet的

The good news is that most popular languages have a sorted data structure implemented that supports these operations for you. C++ has std::set and std::multiset (you probably need the latter) and Java has TreeSet.


