
由网友(夏了南城ぃ暖了北港)分享简介:在给定的一组静态的对象(静态的,即一旦加载它很少,如果都没有改变),其中多次是需要具有最佳性能,这是更好的并发查询,一个的HashMap 或使用一些自定义的比较与二进制搜索的数组?When given a static set of objects (static in the sense that once loa...

在给定的一组静态的对象(静态的,即一旦加载它很少,如果都没有改变),其中多次是需要具有最佳性能,这是更好的并发查询,一个的HashMap 或使用一些自定义的比较与二进制搜索的数组?

When given a static set of objects (static in the sense that once loaded it seldom if ever changes) into which repeated concurrent lookups are needed with optimal performance, which is better, a HashMap or an array with a binary search using some custom comparator?

时的答案对象或结构类型的功能?哈希和/或同等功能的表现?哈希的独特性?列表的大小? 的Hashset 尺寸/集大小?

Is the answer a function of object or struct type? Hash and/or Equal function performance? Hash uniqueness? List size? Hashset size/set size?

集合的大小,我看可以随时随地从500K至10μm - 柜面的信息是有益的。

The size of the set that I'm looking at can be anywhere from 500k to 10m - incase that information is useful.


While I'm looking for a C# answer, I think the true mathematical answer lies not in the language, so I'm not including that tag. However, if there are C# specific things to be aware of, that information is desired.





.NET为您提供了工具来改变你的方法带线code。 否则,使用System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary,一定要与大量的初始容量初始化它,否则你会你的生活中插入项目的其余部分通过,由于GC有做收集旧桶阵列的工作。

.NET gives you the tools to change your approach with a line of code. Otherwise use System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary and be sure to initialize it with a large number as initial capacity or you'll pass the rest of your life inserting items due to the job GC has to do to collect old bucket arrays.



An hashtable has ALMOST constant lookup times and getting to an item in an hash table in the real world does not just require to compute an hash.


To get to an item, your hashtable will do something like this:

在拿到钥匙的哈希 获取桶数散列(通常是地图功能看起来像这样水桶=哈希%bucketsCount) 遍历项链(基本上是共享的项目列表 同一个桶中,最哈希表使用 处理桶/散列这种方法 碰撞),在该开始 桶并比较每个键与 您要的项目之一 添加/删除/更新/检查 载。 Get the hash of the key Get the bucket number for that hash (usually the map function looks like this bucket = hash % bucketsCount) Traverse the items chain (basically it's a list of items that share the same bucket, most hashtables use this method of handling bucket/hash collisions) that starts at that bucket and compare each key with the one of the item you are trying to add/delete/update/check if contained.


Lookup times depend on how "good" (how sparse is the output) and fast is your hash function, the number of buckets you are using and how fast is the keys comparer, it's not always the best solution.

有一个更好的,更深入的解释: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table

A better and deeper explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table


