
由网友(仙女的狗腿)分享简介:比方说,我有一个整数的连续范围 [0,1,2,4,6] ,其中 3 是第一个失踪数。我需要一个算法来找出这首洞。由于范围是非常大的(含或许 2 ^ 32 项),效率是很重要的。数的范围被存储在磁盘上;空间效率也是一个主要关注点。Let's say I have the continuous range of inte...

比方说,我有一个整数的连续范围 [0,1,2,4,6] ,其中 3 是第一个失踪数。我需要一个算法来找出这首洞。由于范围是非常大的(含或许 2 ^ 32 项),效率是很重要的。数的范围被存储在磁盘上;空间效率也是一个主要关注点。

Let's say I have the continuous range of integers [0, 1, 2, 4, 6], in which the 3 is the first "missing" number. I need an algorithm to find this first "hole". Since the range is very large (containing perhaps 2^32 entries), efficiency is important. The range of numbers is stored on disk; space efficiency is also a main concern.


What's the best time and space efficient algorithm?



Use binary search. If a range of numbers has no hole, then the difference between the end and start of the range will also be the number of entries in the range.


You can therefore begin with the entire list of numbers, and chop off either the first or second half based on whether the first half has a gap. Eventually you will come to a range with two entries with a hole in the middle.

这样做的时间复杂度为 O(日志N)。对比线性扫描,其最坏的情况是 O(N)

The time complexity of this is O(log N). Contrast to a linear scan, whose worst case is O(N).


