


在操作速度提高 降低算法code尺寸 在提高数据结构的鲁棒性(可以说)。


是什么原因导致了前哨淋巴结比空?更好的设计 在(例如)的列表,你将如何实现一个前哨淋巴结? 解决方案


然而,当使用它的发现类型的算法是一些真正的收获。例如,假设一个链接列表清单的std ::列表要找到一个特定的值 X


 的(迭代器I = list.begin(!); I = list.end(); ++ I)//先在这里支
  如果(*我== X)//第二支在这里


 迭代器I = list.begin();
* list.end()= X;

而(* I!= X)//只是这个分支!


您看有没有需要额外的分支来测试列表的末尾 - 值总是保证在那里,所以你会自动返回端()如果 X 不能在您的有效的元素被发现。

前哨淋巴结 搜狗百科

有关哨兵的另一个很酷,实际上有用的应用程序,请参见介绍排序,这是在大多数的std ::使用排序实现排序算法。它具有使用哨兵删除几根树枝分割算法的一个很酷的变种。

On the Sentinel Node wikipedia page it says that the benefits of a sentinel node over NULL are :

Increased speed of operations Reduced algorithmic code size Increased data structure robustness (arguably).

I don't really understand how the checks against a sentinel node would be faster (or how to properly implement them in a linked list or tree), so I suppose this is more of a two part question:

What causes the sentinel node to be a better design than NULL? How would you implement a sentinel node in (for example) a list?


There's no advantage with sentinels if you're just doing simple iteration and not looking at the data in the elements.

However, there's some real gain when using it for "find" type algorithms. For example, imagine a linked list list std::list where you want to find a specific value x.

What you would do without sentinels is:

for (iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) // first branch here
  if (*i == x) // second branch here
    return i;
return list.end();

But with sentinels (of course, end actually has to be a real node for this...):

iterator i=list.begin();
*list.end() = x;

while (*i != x) // just this branch!

return i;

You see there's no need for the additional branch to test for the end of the list - the value is always guaranteed to be there, so you will automatically return end() if x cannot be found in your "valid" elements.

For another cool and actually useful application of sentinels, see "intro-sort", which is the sorting algorithm that's used in most std::sort implementations. It has a cool variant of the partition algorithm that uses sentinels to remove a few branches.


