
由网友(可以指点但别指指点点)分享简介:最近,我试图解决codility的最大双片和问题是最大的问题片的一个变种。我的解决方法是找一个切片具有最大值时,其最小值被取出来。所以,我实现了最大片,但目前的片上拿出的最低数量。我的分数是100 61,因为它在某些测试中失败了,主要是测试的阵列,包括消极和位置编号。 你能不能帮我弄清楚为什么code失败或者如果对于这...


我的分数是100 61,因为它在某些测试中失败了,主要是测试的阵列,包括消极和位置编号。



三元组(X,Y,Z)中,以使得0≤X  - 其中; Y'LT; z,其中, N,被称为双片。
双片的总和(X,Y,Z)是A [X + 1] + A [X + 2 + ... + A总[Y  -  1] + A [Y + 1] + A [ Y + 2 + ... + A [Z  -  1]。
A [0] = 3
A [1] = 2
A [2] = 6
A [3] = -1
A [4] = 4
A [5] = 5
A [6] = -1
A [7] = 2
 双片(0,3,6),和是2 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 17,
 双片(0,3,7),和是2 + 6 + 4 + 5  -  1 = 16,
一流的解决方案{公众诠释解决方案(INT [] A); }
 A [0] = 3
 A [1] = 2
 A [2] = 6
 A [3] = -1
 A [4] = 4
 A [5] = 5
 A [6] = -1
 A [7] = 2


公众诠释的解决方案(INT [] A){
    INT currentSliceTotal = 0;
    整数currentMin = NULL,SliceTotalBeforeMin = 0;
    INT maxSliceTotal = Integer.MIN_VALUE的;
    的for(int i = 1; I<则为a.length-1;我++){
        如果(currentMin == NULL || A [1]  - ; currentMin){
            如果(currentMin!= NULL){
                如果(SliceTotalBeforeMin + currentMin℃,){
                    currentSliceTotal- = SliceTotalBeforeMin;
                } 其他 {
                    currentSliceTotal + = currentMin;
            currentMin = A [1];
            SliceTotalBeforeMin = currentSliceTotal;

                SliceTotalBeforeMin = 0;
                currentMin = NULL;
                currentSliceTotal = 0;
        } 其他 {
            currentSliceTotal + = A [1];

        maxSliceTotal = Math.max(maxSliceTotal,currentSliceTotal);


解决方案 华为2018年收入超阿里腾讯总和,任正非 华为最大问题是赚钱太多.pdf



  1 1 0 10 -100 10 0

在上述情况下,你的算法应识别 1,1,0,10 作为最大总和子数组,并离开了 0 12 作为输出。但是,你可以有 1,1,0,10,-100,10 的离开了之后,答案 -100


对于每一个指标,通过Kadane算法正向计算 max_sum_ending_at [I] 值。 对于每一个指标,通过Kadane算法反向计算 max_sum_starting_from [I] 值。


max_sum_ending_at [Y-1] + max_sum_starting_from [Y + 1]

Recently, I tried to solve the Max Double Slice Sum problem in codility which is a variant of max slice problem. My Solution was to look for a slice that has maximum value when its minimum value is taken out. So I implemented max slice, but on the current slice took out the minimum number.

My score was 61 of 100 as it failed during some of the tests, mainly the tests on array including both negative and position numbers.

Could you help me to figure out why the code failed or if there is a better solution for the problem?

The problem is as follows:

A non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given.
A triplet (X, Y, Z), such that 0 ≤ X < Y < Z < N, is called a double slice.
The sum of double slice (X, Y, Z) is the total of A[X + 1] + A[X + 2] + ... + A[Y − 1]+ A[Y + 1] + A[Y + 2] + ... + A[Z − 1].
For example, array A such that:
A[0] = 3
A[1] = 2
A[2] = 6
A[3] = -1
A[4] = 4
A[5] = 5
A[6] = -1
A[7] = 2
contains the following example double slices:
 double slice (0, 3, 6), sum is 2 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 17,
 double slice (0, 3, 7), sum is 2 + 6 + 4 + 5 − 1 = 16,
 double slice (3, 4, 5), sum is 0.
The goal is to find the maximal sum of any double slice.
Write a function:
class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }
that, given a non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns the maximal sum of any double slice.
For example, given:
 A[0] = 3
 A[1] = 2
 A[2] = 6
 A[3] = -1
 A[4] = 4
 A[5] = 5
 A[6] = -1
 A[7] = 2
the function should return 17, because no double slice of array A has a sum of greater than 17.
Assume that:
 N is an integer within the range [3..100,000];
 each element of array A is an integer within the range [−10,000..10,000].
 expected worst-case time complexity is O(N);
 expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the    storage required for input arguments).
Elements of input arrays can be modified.
Copyright 2009–2013 by Codility Limited. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, publication or disclosure prohibited.

And my code is as follows:

public class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
    int currentSliceTotal=0; 
    Integer currentMin=null, SliceTotalBeforeMin =0;
    int maxSliceTotal= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    for(int i= 1; i<A.length-1; i++){
        if( currentMin==null || A[i] < currentMin ){
            if(currentMin!=null ){
                if(SliceTotalBeforeMin+currentMin <0){
                } else {
                    currentSliceTotal += currentMin;
            currentMin = A[i];
            SliceTotalBeforeMin  =currentSliceTotal;

            if( SliceTotalBeforeMin<0){
                SliceTotalBeforeMin = 0;
                currentMin = null;
                currentSliceTotal = 0;
        } else {
            currentSliceTotal+= A[i];

        maxSliceTotal = Math.max(maxSliceTotal, currentSliceTotal);

    return maxSliceTotal;


If I have understood the problem correctly, you want to calculate the maximum sum subarray with one element missing.

Your algorithm shall not work for the following case:

 1 1 0 10 -100 10 0

In the above case, your algorithm shall identify 1, 1, 0, 10 as the maximum sum sub array and leave out 0 to give 12 as the output. However, you can have 1, 1, 0, 10, -100, 10 as the answer after leaving out -100.

You can use a modified form of Kadane's algorithm that calculates the MAX Sum subarray ending at each index.

For each index, calculate the max_sum_ending_at[i] value by using Kadane's algorithm in forward direction. For each index, calculate the max_sum_starting_from[i] value by using Kadane's algorithm in reverse direction.

Iterate these arrays simultaneously and choose the 'Y' that has the maximum value of

max_sum_ending_at[Y-1] + max_sum_starting_from[Y+1]


