
由网友(萌妹子的眼泪是水滴i)分享简介:目前,我正在寻找最佳实践申请优惠到购物车/订单。所以,我打算执行此类折扣为... Currently, I'm looking for best practice to "applying discounts" to cart/order.So, I'm planning to implement such ki...

目前,我正在寻找最佳实践申请优惠到购物车/订单。 所以,我打算执行此类折扣为...

Currently, I'm looking for best practice to "applying discounts" to cart/order. So, I'm planning to implement such kind of discounts as...


fixed user's discount (for example, I'd like to give 10% discount to my favourite customer)


discount for number of items (for example, you're buying 10 different colored pens and you'll be getting discount of 1.5%)


discount for coupon (for example, during promo action we've produced 100 coupons with 10% discount each. Coupons work only for one order and expire on yyyy-mm-dd)

present购买项目或项目组的(例如,你买的笔,纸和商店$ P $的列表psents一个削给你)

present for purchasing item or group of items (for example, you're buying pen, list of paper and shop presents a sharpener to you)


discount for total order price (for example, you're buying 10 pens and gettin no discount, then you're adding 5 more pens and getting 5% discount)


Only one discount could be applied to specific item. We're always applying biggest discount. The most profitable discount for user.


Beside that admin should be able to modify items price in specific order and cancel discounts in this order.


Frankly speaking, it is my first ecommerce application and it seems to me pretty hard task to implement all these kinds of disounts.


Ok, now let me tell you how I'm going to implement...


fixed user's discount It is just a field in users table which contains information about discount. It is being set manually through control panel or automatically by cron for uses having total order summ over that N.


discount for number of items I'm going to create additional table storing items' groups of such discounts. Also I'll need one more table to connect this groups with items in shop.


discount for coupon Just a table with coupons containing field with expire day, status of coupon, coupon discount and maybe user_id (owner of coupon). Probably I will also implement coupons for categories of items.


present for purchasing item or group of items It is real pain in the ass and I totally don't know how implement. Please help!

折扣总价的基础上 pretty的方便,恕我直言。

discount for total order price Pretty easy, imho.

好了,现在我正在寻找可以存放各种折扣的数据库中的最佳实践。此外,我正在寻找OOP实践应用此折扣的购物车。任何帮助AP preciated!

Ok, now I looking for best practices of storing this kinds of discounts in DB. Also I'm looking for OOP practices to applying this discounts to Cart. Any help is appreciated!


PS: Sorry for such long post, but I think that it will be interesting not only for me.




A basic solution for the present for purchasing item or group of items requirement is to have something like a bundle and a bundleItem table.

bundle table.
id                     int   primary key
giftproductId          int   foreign key - product table

bundleitem table.
id                     int   primary key
bundleid               int   foreign key - bundle table
requiredproductid      int   foreign key - product table


Your bundle table contains the gift item id and the bundleitem table holds all the items associated to the bundle which the user must order to qualify for the gift.

您'捆绑'类将包含这些要求的产品项目的数组,礼物项目和方法,需要一个购物车对象,并检查车是否包含了这个特定的捆绑优惠每一个需要的产品 - 有点像在fo​​reach循环简单​​的foreach ...

Your 'Bundle' class would contain an array of these required product items, the gift item and a method which takes a shopping cart object and checks to see whether the cart contains every required product for this particular bundle offer - something like a simple foreach within a foreach loop...

这是一个简单的解决方案,事情可能会变得复杂取决于这些礼品如规则如果我订购2笔和纸2列出了我能得到2刀? - !祝你好运吧。

This is a simple solution things can get complex depending on the rules for these gift items e.g. if I order 2 pens and 2 lists of paper do I get 2 sharpeners? - Good luck with it!


