
由网友(假男。)分享简介:此问题是由一个编程比赛,我不能设法解决它在可接受的时间。This problem is from a programing competition, and I can't manage to solve it in acceptable time.您将得到一个数组的 A N 整数。找到最大的一笔取值究竟 K...


This problem is from a programing competition, and I can't manage to solve it in acceptable time.

您将得到一个数组的 A N 整数。找到最大的一笔取值究竟 K 元素(不一定是连续的),不超过一个给定的整数 M(S<米)。

You are given an array a of n integers. Find the largest sum s of exactly k elements (not necessarily continuous) that does not exceed a given integer m (s < m).


 0 < k <= n < 100
 m < 3000
 0 < a[i] < 100


Info: A solution is guaranteed to exist for the given input.


Now, I guess my best bet is a DP approach, but couldn't come up with the correct formula.



I would try two things. They are both based on the following idea:

如果我们能够解决决定的问题,如果有 K 元素之和完全到 P ,那么我们就可以在 [1,M] 。

If we can solve the problem of deciding if there are k elements that sum exactly to p, then we can binary search for the answer in [1, m].


简单排序阵列和削减你的搜索总之当电流总和超过 P 。我们的想法是,你通常只需要原路返回很少,因为排序后的数组将有助于及早消除不良的解决方案。

Simply sort your array and cut your search short when the current sum exceeds p. The idea is that you will generally only have to backtrack very little, since the sorted array should help eliminate bad solutions early.


To be honest, I doubt this will be fast enough however.


请尺寸 K 阵列。随机指定的元素给它。虽然他们的总和不 P ,随机替换元素与另一并确保更新它们的和在固定时间内。

Keep a used array of size k. Randomly assign elements to it. While their sum is not p, randomly replace an element with another and make sure to update their sum in constant time.

请这样做的最大电子商务倍(实验,其最佳效果的价值,复杂度将是 0(E M)的到底,所以它也许可以去相当高),如果你不能得到总结 P 在此期间,假定它是不可能的。

Keep doing this a maximum of e times (experiment with its value for best results, the complexity will be O(e log m) in the end, so it can probably go quite high), if you couldn't get to sum p during this time, assume that it is not possible.


Alternatively, forget the binary search. Run the randomized algorithm directly and return the largest valid sum it finds in e runs or until your allocated running time ends.


I am not sure how DP would efficiently keep track of the number of elements used in the sum. I think the randomized algorithm is worth a shot since it is easy to implement.


