如何MPEG4 COM pression工作?工作、COM、pression

由网友(躁)分享简介:可以用简单明确的方式MPEG4工作如何COM preSS数据谁能解释。我最感兴趣的视频。我知道有不同的标准或部分给它。我只是在寻找predominant整体融为一体pression方法,如果有一个与MPEG4。Can anyone explain in a simple clear way how MPEG4 wor...

可以用简单明确的方式MPEG4工作如何COM preSS数据谁能解释。我最感兴趣的视频。我知道有不同的标准或部分给它。我只是在寻找predominant整体融为一体pression方法,如果有一个与MPEG4。

Can anyone explain in a simple clear way how MPEG4 works to compress data. I'm mostly interested in video. I know there are different standards or parts to it. I'm just looking for the predominant overall compression method, if there is one with MPEG4.



MPEG-4 is a huge standard, and employs many techniques to achieve the high compression rates that it is capable of.


In general, video compression is concerned with throwing away as much information as possible whilst having a minimal effect on the viewing experience for an end user. For example, using subsampled YUV instead of RGB cuts the video size in half straight away. This is possible as the human eye is less sensitive to colour than it is to brightness. In YUV, the Y value is brightness, and the U and V values represent colour. Therefore, you can throw away some of the colour information which reduces the file size, without the viewer noticing any difference.

在此之后,大多数COM pression技术利用2冗余特别的优势。第一个是时间冗余,第二个是空间冗余。

After that, most compression techniques take advantage of 2 redundancies in particular. The first is temporal redundancy and the second is spatial redundancy.

时空冗余注意到,在一个视频序列中的连续帧非常相似。通常,视频会以每秒20-30帧,并没有什么太大的变化的顺序在1/30秒。采取任何DVD和暂停它,然后将它放在一个帧,并注意2图像的相似程度。因此,而不是独立地编码每个帧,MPEG-4(和其它的COM pression标准)只连接$ C C连续帧之间的差异$(使用的


