
由网友(清者)分享简介:假设我有一组串S和查询串Q。我想知道如果S的任何成员为q的子串。 (对于这一疑问子的目的包括平等,如富是富的子串)。例如,假设该函数,我想要做什么叫做 anySubstring Assume I have a set of strings S and a query string q. I want to kno...

假设我有一组串S和查询串Q。我想知道如果S的任何成员为q的子串。 (对于这一疑问子的目的包括平等,如富是富的子串)。例如,假设该函数,我想要做什么叫做 anySubstring

Assume I have a set of strings S and a query string q. I want to know if any member of S is a substring of q. (For the purpose of this question substring includes equality, e.g. "foo" is a substring of "foo".) For example assume the function that does what I want is called anySubstring:

S = ["foo", "baz"]
q = "foobar"
assert anySubstring(S, q)  # "foo" is a substring of "foobar"

S = ["waldo", "baz"]
assert not anySubstring(S, q)

有没有容易实现算法与时间复杂度次线性为此在 LEN(S)?这是确定若S首先必须加工成一些聪明的数据结构,因为我会查询每个有很多q字符串s,因此这preprocessing的摊余成本可能是合理的。

Is there any easy-to-implement algorithm to do this with time complexity sublinear in len(S)? It's ok if S has to be processed into some clever data structure first because I will be querying each S with a lot of q strings, so the amortized cost of this preprocessing might be reasonable.


To clarify, I don't care which member of S is a substring of q, only whether at least one is. In other words, I only care about a boolean answer.



I think Aho-Corasick algorithm does what you want. I think there is another solution which is very simple to implement, it's Karp-Rabin algorithm.


