
由网友(超人没对象i)分享简介:我有一个简单的树,正是如此定义的:I have a simple tree, defined thusly:type BspTree =| Node of Rect * BspTree * BspTree| Null我可以得到叶节点的集合(客房我的树地牢)这个样子,它似乎工作:I can get a collec...


I have a simple tree, defined thusly:

type BspTree =
    | Node of Rect * BspTree * BspTree
    | Null


I can get a collection of leaf nodes (rooms in my tree "dungeon") like this, and it seems to work:

let isRoom = function
    | Node(_, Null, Null) -> true
    | _ -> false

let rec getRooms dungeon =
    if isRoom dungeon then
        seq { yield dungeon }
        match dungeon with
        | Node(_, left, right) ->
            seq { for r in getRooms left -> r
                  for r in getRooms right -> r }
        | Null -> Seq.empty


But now I'm trying to get sister leaf node rooms so I can connect them with corridors, and I'm failing miserably (as I often do). Here's my attempt:

let rec getCorridors dungeon =
    match dungeon with
    | Null -> failwith "Unexpected null room"
    | Node(_, left, right) ->
        match left, right with
        | Null, Null -> Seq.empty
        | Node(leftRect, _, _), Node(rightRect, _, _) ->
            if isRoom left && isRoom right
            then seq { yield makeCorridor leftRect rightRect }
            else seq { for l in getCorridors left -> l
                       for r in getCorridors right -> r }
        | _ -> failwith "Unexpected!"


I just end up with an empty seq. Anyway, this all hurts my brain, and I know it's unlikely anyone will slog through it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.


正如罗伯特评论说,也许你makeCorridor功能需要一定的关注。 我已经适应你的code,使我自己的makeCorridor功能和更换矩形为int。

As Robert commented, maybe your makeCorridor function needs some attention. I've adapted your code, making my own makeCorridor function and replacing Rect by int.

我用积极的方式来确定何时BspTree一个房间。我还用屈服!序而不是对于x的序列 - > X 。这些修饰导致相同的行为。我只是想显示什么积极的模式可以做的:

I've used an active pattern to determine when a BspTree is a room. I've also used yield! sequence instead of for x in sequence -> x. These modifications result in the same behavior. I just wanted to show what an active pattern can do:

type BspTree =
    | Node of int * BspTree * BspTree
    | Null

let (|IsRoom|_|) dungeon = 
    match dungeon with
    | Node(_,Null,Null) -> Some dungeon
    | _ -> None

let rec getRooms = function
    | IsRoom dungeon -> Seq.singleton dungeon
    | Null -> Seq.empty
    | Node (_, left, right) -> seq { yield! getRooms left
                                     yield! getRooms right }

let makeCorridor leftNode rightNode =
    match leftNode, rightNode with
    | Node(left,Null,Null), Node(right,Null,Null) -> 
        sprintf "(%d) -> (%d)" left right
    | _ -> failwith "Illegal corridor!"

let rec getCorridors = function
    | Null -> failwith "Unexpected null room"
    | Node(_, Null, Null) -> Seq.empty
    | Node(_, IsRoom left, IsRoom right) -> seq { yield makeCorridor left right }
    | Node(_, left, right) -> seq { yield! getCorridors left
                                    yield! getCorridors right }


let dungeon = 
    Node(1, Node(2, Node(4,Null,Null), 
            Node(3, Node(6,Null,Null), 


> getCorridors dungeon;;
val it : seq<string> = seq ["(8) -> (9)"; "(6) -> (7)"]

