
由网友(余生继续浪)分享简介:新来的Objective-C,需要帮助解决这个问题:编写一个函数,有两个参数:1的String重新presenting一个文本文档以及 2的整数提供返回的项目数。实施使得其能返回字符串由单词频率一阶,最频繁出现的字的列表的功能。用你的最佳判断来决定如何字是分开的。你的溶液应该运行在O(n)的时间,其中n是在文档中的字符...






  //  - (的NSString *)wordFrequency:(INT)itemsToReturn inDocument:(的NSString *)textDocument;

NSURL * desktopDirectory = [[的NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForDirectory:NSDesktopDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:无创:无错误:无]

 NSURL * FULLPATH = [desktopDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@文档.txt];

 的NSString *含量= [NSString的stringWithContentsOfURL:FULLPATH编码:NSUTF8StringEncoding错误:无]
 //可选code进行确认 - 检查该文件是在这里和打印内容到控制台

  NSArray的* myWords = [内容componentsSeparatedByString:@];

 //可选code确认 - 数组的内容打印到控制台

  NSCountedSet * countedSet = [[NSCountedSet页头] initWithArray:myWords]。
  NSMutableArray里* dictArray = [NSMutableArray的阵列]
  [countedSet enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(ID OBJ,BOOL *停止){
  [dictArray ADDOBJECT:@ {@字:OBJ,
                               @计:@([countedSet countForObject:OBJ])}]。

  的NSLog(@字排序计数:%@,[dictArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@ [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@算升:否]]]);


这是一个典型的工作对于的map-reduce 。我很熟悉Objective-C的,但据我所知 - 这些概念在里面很容易实现

1日的map-reduce指望出现的次数。 这步骤是根据字基本上分组元素,然后计数它们。



在有数字和occurances的AA列表,你要做的就是真正得到顶K掉他们。这是在这个线程很好地解释道:存储最多5000号从数流。 酒店在这里,所述比较是每个单词#occurances,作为计算在previous步骤

其基本思想是利用分堆,并在其店内 K 第一要素。 现在,迭代的元件的剩余,而如果新的一个大于顶部(在堆最小元件),除去顶部并用新元素替换

最后,你有一个包含 K 最大的元素堆,他们已经在一个堆 - 所以他们已经排序(虽然在相反的顺序,但处理它是相当容易的)。

复杂性是 O(nlogK)

要实现 O(N + klogk)您可以使用选择算法的的代替最小堆溶液获得前k,然后检索元素进行排序。

New to objective-c, need help to solve this:

Write a function that takes two parameters:

1 a String representing a text document and

2 an integer providing the number of items to return. Implement the function such that it returns a list of Strings ordered by word frequency, the most frequently occurring word first. Use your best judgement to decide how words are separated. Your solution should run in O(n) time where n is the number of characters in the document. Implement this function as you would for a production/commercial system. You may use any standard data structures.

What I tried so far (work in progress): ` // Function work in progress

// -(NSString *) wordFrequency:(int)itemsToReturn  inDocument:(NSString *)textDocument ;
//  Get the desktop directory (where the text document is)

NSURL *desktopDirectory = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForDirectory:NSDesktopDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:NO error:nil];

 //  Create full path to the file
 NSURL *fullPath = [desktopDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"document.txt"];

 //  Load the string
 NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:fullPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
 //  Optional code for confirmation - Check that the file is here and print its content to the console
 //  NSLog(@" The string is:%@", content);

 // Create an array with the words contain in the string
  NSArray *myWords = [content componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];

 //  Optional code for confirmation - Print content of the array to the console
 //  NSLog(@"array: %@", myWords);
 //  Take an NSCountedSet of objects in an array and order those objects by their object count then returns a sorted array, sorted in descending order by the count of the objects.

  NSCountedSet *countedSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] initWithArray:myWords];
  NSMutableArray *dictArray = [NSMutableArray array];
  [countedSet enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, BOOL *stop) {
  [dictArray addObject:@{@"word": obj,
                               @"count": @([countedSet countForObject:obj])}];

  NSLog(@"Words sorted by count: %@", [dictArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"count" ascending:NO]]]);
return 0;


This is a classic job for map-reduce. I am very familiar with objective-c, but as far as I know - these concepts are very easily implemented in it.

1st map-reduce is counting the number of occurances. This step is basically grouping elements according to the word, and then counting them.

   for each word in text:
    emit (word,sum(number))

An alternative for using map-reduce is to use iterative calculation and a hash-map which will be a histogram that counts number of occurances per word.

After you have a a list of numbers and occurances, all you got to do is actually get top k out of them. This is nicely explained in this thread: Store the largest 5000 numbers from a stream of numbers. In here, the 'comparator' is #occurances of each word, as calculated in previous step.

The basic idea is to use a min-heap, and store k first elements in it. Now, iterate the remaining of the elements, and if the new one is bigger than the top (minimal element in the heap), remove the top and replace it with the new element.

At the end, you have a heap containing k largest elements, and they are already in a heap - so they are already sorted (though in reversed order, but dealing with it is fairly easy).

Complexity is O(nlogK)

To achieve O(n + klogk) you may use selection algorithm instead of the min-heap solution to get top-k, and then sort the retrieved elements.


