
由网友(疯到全世界都崩溃°)分享简介:摘自算法导论托马斯Cormen:Taken from Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen:的为了简单起见,我们假设,因为我们有二叉搜索树和红黑树木,任何的卫星信息与键关联被存储在相同节点的关键。在实践中,人们可能实际上与每个键只是一个指向存储另一个磁盘页面,...


Taken from Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen:

的为了简单起见,我们假设,因为我们有二叉搜索树和红黑 树木,任何的卫星信息与键关联被存储在相同 节点的关键。在实践中,人们可能实际上与每个键只是一个指向存储 另一个磁盘页面,其中包含卫星信息的关键。伪code 本章中隐含的假设是与相关的卫星信息 键,或指针以这样的卫星信息,行驶过程中,关键只要 关键是从节点移到节点。的

"To keep things simple, we assume, as we have for binary search trees and red-black trees, that any "satellite information" associated with a key is stored in the same node as the key. In practice, one might actually store with each key just a pointer to another disk page containing the satellite information for that key. The pseudocode in this chapter implicitly assumes that the satellite information associated with a key, or the pointer to such satellite information, travels with the key whenever the key is moved from node to node."


So I've been trying to Google the meaning of the term satellite information but I can't find any (covered by things about NASA). My understanding based on the text alone is that "satellite information" is an address to the location of the actual key value like a pointer? Am I correct or did I misunderstand it?


What makes it different from a key?



Satellite data refers to any "payload" data which you want to store in your data structure and which is not part of the structure of the data structure. It can be anything you want. It can be a single value, a large collection of values, or a pointer to some other location that holds the value.


For example, here's a list node for a singly linked list whose satellite data is a single integer:

struct node
    node * next;
    int satellite;


In other words, the whole value of any given data structure lies in the data which it contains, which is the satellite data in your book's terminology. The data structure will additionally consume structural data (like the next pointer in the example) to perform the algorithms which define it, but those are essentially "overhead" from the user's perspective.


For associative containers, the "key" value performs a dual role: On the one hand it is user data, but on the other hand it is also part of the structure of the container. However, a tree can be equipped with additional satellite data, in which case it becomes a "map" from key data to satellite data.


At one extreme you have a fixed-size array which has no overhead and only payload data, and on the other extreme you have complicated structures like multiindexes, tries, Judy arrays, or lockfree containers which maintain a comparably large amount of structural data.


