
由网友(亡人茶)分享简介:我在读的算法设计手册,并在第三章中,将出现以下code段。它必须与从链接列表中删除的项。现在的问题是不相关的数据结构,而只是为code其中两个变量被宣布为单行的我觉得的。我已经剥离的code中的不相关的部分为简洁起见。I'm reading the Algorithm Design Manual and in cha...


I'm reading the Algorithm Design Manual and in chapter 3, the following code snippet appears. It has to do with removing an item from a linked-list. The question isn't related to data-structures, but just to a single line of code where two variables are declared I think. I've stripped the non-relevant parts of the code for brevity.

list *search_list(list *l, item_type x) {
  // This function just searches the list x

list *predecessor_list(list *l, item_type x) {
  // This function simply returns the predecessor of x or NULL

delete_list(list **l, item_type x) {
  list *p;     /* item pointer */
  list *pred;  /* predecessor pointer */

  list *search_list(), *predecessor_list(); // What are these declarations?

  p = search_list(*l,x);

  // Code to delete the node if found is here    

我的问题是,在 delete_list功能,具体而言,该行列表* search_list(),* predecessor_list(); 。什么是发生在这条线?我猜这是一个指向函数的指针,但我的理解是,你都应该用适当的参数声明函数指针。另外,假设我是正确的,为什么这些线路甚至需要?

My question is in the delete_list function, specifically, the line list *search_list(), *predecessor_list();. What is happening on that line? I'm guessing it's a pointer to a function, but my understanding is you are supposed to declare the function pointer with the appropriate parameters. Also, assuming I am correct, why are those lines even needed?



list *search_list(), *predecessor_list();


informs the compiler that an identifier for a function exists and what its return type is. In this context, the number and type of parameter(s) the function requires is not needed.


I agree it's a bit peculiar and not very intuitive, however, the C language supports many such peculiarities.


The link provided in a comment to your question by Dabo goes into more detail: What's the difference between function prototype and declaration?


