
由网友(柠檬酱~^o^~)分享简介:给定一个二叉树,编写一个函数来检查给定二叉树是否为完全二叉树与否。 Given a Binary Tree, write a function to check whether the given Binary Tree is Complete Binary Tree or not. 一个完整的二叉树是二叉树中,每...


Given a Binary Tree, write a function to check whether the given Binary Tree is Complete Binary Tree or not.


A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible. source: wikipedia

我的做法是做BFS使用队列,算上没有节点。运行   循环直到队列不为空,但打破一旦你找到了一个   以下条件成立时:

My approach is do BFS using queue and count the no of nodes. Run a loop till the queue is not null but break once you find one of the below condition holds good:   在左边节点不是present为节点   在左边节点是present但正确的节点没有present。   

现在我们可以比较一下,我们从上面的方法得到的数量和   树中的节点的原始数量。如果两者相等,则   完全二叉树别人没有。

Now we can compare the count that we get from the above approach and the original count of the nodes in the tree. If both equal then complete binary tree else not.


Please tell me whether the approach is correct or not. Thanks.


This question is same as that of this. But i wan to verify my method here.

编辑: 该算法是由@ 鲍里斯Strandjev验证下面。我觉得这是实现了在网络可用一些算法的最简单的算法。真诚的道歉,如果你不跟我的说法一致。

The algorithm is verified by @Boris Strandjev below. I felt this is the easiest algorithm to implement out of some algorithms available in net. Sincere apologize if you do not agree with my assertion.



Your algorithm should solve the problem.


What you are doing with the BFS is entirely equivalent to drawing the tree and then tracing the nodes with your finger top-down and left-right. The first time you can not continue you stop tracing with your finger. If you have not counted all the nodes then the structure is not as expected obviously.


