
由网友(轻舞飞扬)分享简介:可能重复: 大O相加不同的程序时, 这是什么 O(N)+ O(日志(N))减少?我的猜测是 O(N),但不能给出严格的推理。What does O(n) + O(log(n)) reduce to? My guess is O(n) but can not give a rigorous reasoning.据...

可能重复:   大O相加不同的程序时,

这是什么 O(N)+ O(日志(N))减少?我的猜测是 O(N),但不能给出严格的推理。

What does O(n) + O(log(n)) reduce to? My guess is O(n) but can not give a rigorous reasoning.

据我了解 O(N)+ O(1)应减少到 O(N),因为 O(1)仅仅是一个常数。

I understand O(n) + O(1) should reduce to O(n) since O(1) is just a constant.


嗯,因为 0(F(N))+ O(G(N))= O(F(N)+ G( N))我们只是试图计算出 F(N),使得 F(N)> N +的log(n)

Well since O( f(n) ) + O( g(n) ) = O ( f(n) + g(n) ) We are simply trying to calculate an f(n) such that f(n) > n + log(n)

由于随着n充分的log(n)< ñ我们可以说, F(N)> 2N> N +的log(n)

Since as n grows sufficiently log(n) < n we can say that f(n) > 2n > n + log(n)

因此​​ 0(F(N))= O(2N)= O(N)

在更普遍的意义, 0(F(N))+ O(G(N))= O(F(N))如果 C * F(N)&GT; G(N)对于一些常数c。为什么?因为在这种情况下, F(N)将主宰我们的算法,并决定它的时间复杂度。

In a more general sense, O( f(n) ) + O( g(n) ) = O( f(n) ) if c*f(n)>g(n) for some constant c. Why? Because in this case f(n) will "dominate" our algorithm and dictate its time complexity.


