
由网友(演技在好终是戏)分享简介:我有一个包含了被光栅化为像素边缘部分的二维数据。我想实现一个高效的数据结构,返回其位于一个无轴对准 2D的三角形的所有边缘像素。I have some 2D data which contains edges which were rasterized into pixels. I want to implement...

我有一个包含了被光栅化为像素边缘部分的二维数据。我想实现一个高效的数据结构,返回其位于一个无轴对准 2D的三角形的所有边缘像素。

I have some 2D data which contains edges which were rasterized into pixels. I want to implement an efficient data structure which returns all edge pixels which lie in a non-axis-aligned 2D triangle.


The image shows a visualization of the problem where white denotes the rasterized edges, and red visualizes the query triangle. The result would be all white pixels which lie on the boundary or inside the red triangle.


When further looking at the image, one notices that we have sparse boolean data, meaning that if we denote black pixels with a 0 and white pixels with a 1, that the number of 1s in the data is much lower than the number of 0s. Therefore, rasterizing the red triangle and checking for each point on it's inside whether it is white or black is not the most efficient approach.


Besides the sparseness of the data; since the white pixels origin from edges, it is in their nature to be connected together. However, at junctions with other lines, they have more than two neighbors. Pixels which are at a junction should only be returned once.


The data must be processed in realtime, but with no GPU assistance. There will be multiple queries for different triangle contents, and after each one, points may be removed from the data structure. However, new points won't be inserted anymore after the initial filling of the data structure.


The query triangles are already known when the rasterized edges arrive.



There are many spatial data structures available. However I'm wondering, which one is the best one for my problem. I'm willing to implement a highly optimized data structure to solve this problem, as it will be a core element of the project. Therefore, also mixes or abbreviations of data structures are welcome!



R-trees seem to be the best data structure which I found for this problem until now as they provide support for rectangle-based queries. I would check for all white pixels within an AABB of the query triangle, then would check for each returned pixel if it lies within the query rectangle.

不过,我不知道有多好R树的行为,因为基于边缘的数据不会被轻易groupable成长方形,作为点成群一起在窄线,而不是$ P $垫了。

However, I'm not sure how well R-trees will behave since edge-based data will not be easily groupable into rectangles, as the points are clumped together on narrow lines and not pread out.


I'm alo not sure if it would make sense to pre-build the structure of the R-tree using information about the query triangles which will be made as soon as the structure is filled (as mentioned before, the query triangles are already known when the data arrives).

倒车问题似乎也是一个有效的解决方案,在这里我使用 2-三维间隔树以获取每个白色像素包含其所有三角形的列表。然后,它可以已经被存储所有这些结果集内,并且可以立即返回的查询到达时。然而,我不知道这是如何进行的三角形的数量比边缘的数目更高,但比的白色像素数仍然较低(为边缘大多分成〜20-50像素)。

Reversing the problem seems also to be a valid solution, where I use a 2-dimensional interval tree to get for each white pixel a list of all triangles which contain it. Then, it can already be stored within all those result sets and be returned instantly when the query arrives. However, I'm not sure how this performs a the number of triangles is higher than the number of edges, but still lower than the number of white pixels (as an edge is mostly split up into ~20-50 pixels).


A data structure which would exploit that white pixels have most often white pixels as neighbors would seem to be most efficient. However, I could not find anything about such a thing until now.


分解查询三角形(S)为n * 3线。对于测试的每一个点,你可以估算在每一行是哪一方。剩下的就是布尔逻辑。

Decompose the query triangle(s) into n*3 lines. For every point under test you can estimate at which side of every line it is. The rest is boolean logic.


since your points are rasterised, you could precompute the points on the scanlines where the scanline enters or leaves a particular query triangle (=crosses one of the 3n lines above && is on the "inside" of the other two lines that participate in that particular triangle)

更新:另一个话题触发(How我可以找出点是三角形?)我会加code证明一个非凸的情况下的可以是前pressed 的连接,其中条款每边线上的点上。因为我懒,我将使用一个L形的形式。 IMHO其他非凸形状可以类似被处理。该线平行于X轴和Y轴,但是这又是懒惰

UPDATE: Triggered by another topic ( How can I find out if point is in triangle? ) I'll add code to prove that a non-convex case can be expressed en terms of "which side of every line a point is on". Since I am lazy, I'll use an L-shaped form. IMHO other Non-convex shapes can be processed similarly. The lines are parallel to the X- and Y- axes, but that again is laziness.


| +-+
| | |
| | +-+
| |   |
| +---+
0------ X
the line pieces:
(x0,y0) - (x2,y0)
(x1,y1) - (x2,y1)
(x0,y2) - (x1,y2)
(x0,y0) - (x0,y2)
(x1,y1) - (x1,y2)
(x2,y0) - (x2,y1)

The lines:

Combine them:

#define x0 2
#define x1 4
#define x2 6

#define y0 2
#define y1 4
#define y2 6

#include <stdio.h>

int inside(int x, int y)

switch(  (x<x0 ?0:1)
    +(x<x1 ?0:2)
    +(x<x2 ?0:4)
    +(y<y0 ?0:8)
    +(y<y1 ?0:16)
    +(y<y2 ?0:32) ) {

case 1+8:
case 1+2+8:
case 1+8+16:
    return 1;
default: return 0;

int main(void)
int xx,yy,res;
while (1) {
     res = scanf("%d %d", &xx, &yy);
     if (res < 2) continue;
     res = inside(xx, yy);
     printf("(%d,%d) := %dn", xx, yy,res);
return 0;

