

我想知道,如果JavaScript函数的Math.random是正态分布与否,如果不是我怎么能得到哪些是正常的分布数量。我还没有发现在intert一个明确的答案或算法如何创建我的理解随机正态分布的数字。我想重建施密特机(德国 物理学家),机器产生的随机数的0或1,他们必须是正态分布的,所以我可以在高斯钟形曲线绘制它们。 例如随机函数产生120数字(0或1)和平均。需要成为近60次0和1

I want to know if the JavaScript function Math.random is normal distribution or not, if not how can I get numbers which are normal distribution. I haven't found a clear answer in the intert or a algorithm how to create randomly normal distributed numbers which I understand. I want to rebuilt a Schmidt-machine (German physicist), the machine produces random numbers of 0 or 1 and they have to be normal distributed so I can draw them in Gaussian bell curve. for example the random function produce 120 numbers (0 or 1) and the avg. Have to be near 60 times 0 and 1.




As Pointy pointed random has uniform distribution, which in your case is not the thing you are looking for. But you can calculate gaussian yourself, you only have to set your variance and median.

它说,高斯= RandomNumber *西格玛+位数

it says that Gausian = RandomNumber * sigma + median


several other methods how to convert uniform distribution to normal distribution.


And by the way your gaussian will not be a bell curve if you have only two probable events. And furthermore if those events are of equal probability then it should look like a block.


