
由网友(述妄)分享简介:在练多线程,我想简单地构建,可以计算出一个字符集的所有可能组合的应用程序(即蛮力开裂/匹配)和分发工作线程中,要真正去衡量和亲眼目睹如何线程可以影响在不同的系统算法的时间。In practising multithreading, I had wished to simply build an application...


In practising multithreading, I had wished to simply build an application that could calculate all possible combinations of a character set (i.e. brute force cracking/matching) and distributing work among threads, to really get to measure and see first hand how the threading can affect the algorithm's time on different systems.


The algorithm to calculate this, has been a great challenge to me so far. On a recent thread (What would be an efficient way to add multithreading to this simple algorithm?) I seemed to get down what I needed to do (easily pass specific parts of each character range to distribute work) although the algorithm simply did not work, and I did not understand the complexity enough to fix it in my application.


In a simple, iterative manner, how could I compute every combination of a given character set, with a specific length (i.e. 5 in length?)


unsigned char range[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
brute_force(range, len); //character set, length of string to compute all combinations of


I would be very thankful to relieve some stress on finding the proper concepts of doing this.



One approach:

void brute_force(String range, int len) {
        for (int i = 0; i < range.length(); ++i) {
           final String x  = "" + range.charAt(i);
           Thread t = new Thread(){
               public void run() { brute_force(x, range[].replace(x, ""), len); };

其中, brute_force(字符串,字符串,INT)将产生的组合。