
由网友(庄周负了蝶)分享简介:这里是我的第一个问题的延续(Flow店布尔可满足性[多项式时间缩短] )。 由于什么是错的,我也没成功,知道在什么地方。我问了计算器的主人的帮助下再次:)对于和行动的是我对现在的:在我有谁是这样的输入文件:3 21 1 11 1 1谁再presents:3的工作,2店(机),并在每个车间(机)每个作业的时间。而且我...

这里是我的第一个问题的延续(Flow店布尔可满足性[多项式时间缩短] )。




  3 2
1 1 1
1 1 1



因此​​,例如,它应该在输出给这个结果(对不起paint.exe XD):


  typedef结构_resource {



typedef结构_problem {


} 问题;
化合物C是一种合成药品的中间体.其合成路线为 已知 1 写出中官能团的名称 . 2 写出反应①的化学方程式 . 3 反应②属于 反应. 4 D是比多一个碳的同系物




由于@Jens Schauder不,我有一个解决方案的开始。我的布尔变量是这样的: s_1_2_3有一个被使用在机器2,从时间开始的意思资源3

所以,如果我有Ĵ工作,男店,我把我的C_max的值C,我会肯定的:Ĵ* M * C 布尔变量










我会加的3约束上上面的源$ C ​​$ C,或许真的是错了里面,我看不出有什么...


  / **的工作,我可以在只有1个店一时间k * /
无符号整型writeConstraintOne(问题*问题,无符号整型timeMax,FILE *文件,烧焦forReal){

无符号整型最后= 0;
unsigned int的最大值= getNbVariables(问题,timeMax);

为(unsigned int类型I = 0; I< problem-> nbShops;我++){

  为(unsigned int类型L = 0; L< problem-> nbShops,L ++){

    为(unsigned int类型J = 0; J< problem-> nbJobs; J ++){

     为(unsigned int类型T = 0; T< timeMax;吨++){

      如果(我== L)继续;

      / **我们拿到的S_i_j_t * /
      unsigned int类型A = getIdOfVariable(的问题,I,J,T,timeMax);

      / **我们拿到的S_l_j_t * /
      unsigned int类型B = getIdOfVariable(的问题,L,J,T,timeMax);


      / *这fonction会或计数的子句的数目,
       *或文件中写他们。 * /
      如果(forReal == 1){

          / *它重新presents -A => B * /
          fprintf中(文件 - %D  - %D 0  N,A,B);


  / **店Ĵ只能处理1的时间k工作。 * /
无符号整型writeConstraintTwo(问题*问题,无符号整型timeMax,FILE *文件,字符forReal){

无符号整型最后= 0;
unsigned int的最大值= getNbVariables(问题,timeMax);

为(unsigned int类型I = 0; I< problem-> nbShops;我++){

  为(unsigned int类型L = 0; L< problem-> nbJobs,L ++){

    为(unsigned int类型J = 0; J< problem-> nbJobs; J ++){

     为(unsigned int类型T = 0; T< timeMax;吨++){

      如果(j == L)继续;

      / **我们拿到的S_i_j_t * /
      unsigned int类型A = getIdOfVariable(的问题,I,J,T,timeMax);

      / **我们拿到的S_i_l_t * /
      unsigned int类型B = getIdOfVariable(的问题,I,L,T,timeMax);


      / *这fonction会或计数的子句的数目,
       *或文件中写他们。 * /
      如果(forReal == 1){

          / *它重新presents -A => B * /
          fprintf中(文件 - %D  - %D 0  N,A,B);


  / **如果作业的持续时间超过1,它必须contineous。
 *的任务也必须是真实的。 * /
无符号整型writeConstraintThree(问题*问题,无符号整型timeMax,FILE *文件,烧焦forReal){

无符号整型最后= 0;
unsigned int的最大值= getNbVariables(问题,timeMax);

为(unsigned int类型I = 0; I< problem-> nbShops;我++){

    为(unsigned int类型J = 0; J< problem-> nbJobs; J ++){

     为(unsigned int类型T = 0; T< timeMax;吨++){

     为(无符号​​整数K = 0; K< problem-个资源[I] [J]。价值-1; k ++){

      如果(K = = t)的继续;

      / **我们拿到的S_i_j_t * /
      unsigned int类型A = getIdOfVariable(的问题,I,J,T,timeMax);

      / **我们拿到的S_i_j_k * /
      unsigned int类型B = getIdOfVariable(的问题,I,J,K,timeMax);

      最后+ = 2;

      / *这fonction会或计数的子句的数目,
       *或文件中写他们。 * /
      如果(forReal == 1){

          fprintf中(文件 - %D 0  N,B,A);
          fprintf中(文件 - %D 0  N,A,B);


有一个错误在头两个公式你给:你缺少一个L = J 1。当然,我不知道,如果这个bug是在code为好。




here is the continuity of my first question (Flow Shop to Boolean satisfiability [Polynomial-time reduction]).

Because something is wrong and I didn't success to know where exactly. I ask for the help of StackOverFlow's masters once again :)

For the sum-up of what I have for now :

I have input file who look like this :

3 2
1 1 1
1 1 1

Who represents : 3 jobs, 2 shops (machines), and the duration of each job on each shop (machine). And I want for theses problems, to find the optimum C_max value.

So for example, it should give in output this result (sorry for paint.exe xD):

So to read theses files, I create 2 structures : Resource and Problem who look like this :

typedef struct _resource {

   unsigned int numShop;
   unsigned int numJob;
   unsigned int value;

} Resource;

typedef struct _problem {

   unsigned int nbShops;
   unsigned int nbJobs;
   Resource** resources;

} Problem;

The reading is okay, and I have all the informations in the input files inside my structures.

I want to transform this optimal problem (find the best solution) into a decision problem (is THIS a possible solution ?) and for this, my goal is to transform the JobShop/FlowShop problem into a SAT problem.

My goal is as follow : I put the value of C_max as fixed, I create a SAT problem, and I will decrease the C_max until the SAT-solver says that the problem has no solution. The last-value with a solution will be the optimal value.

Thanks to @Jens Schauder, I have the beginning of a solution. My booleans variables are like this: s_1_2_3 with the meaning resource one gets used at machine 2 starting from time 3.

So if I have J jobs, M shops and I put my C_max to the value C, I will have for sure : J * M * C booleans variables.

Problem: for now my SAT problem are wrong. The solution given is not okay.

Here are the constraints that I have for now : ( V means 'OR', the other : 'And')

Which means that the job i can be on only 1 shop for a time k

Which means that a shop j can handle only 1 job for a time k.

Which means that if the job has a duration more than 1, it has to be contineous. So if one variable is true, the other after until the end of duration of the task have to be true also.

I'm not really sure if I'm right about the formulation of the problem, or/and if I forgot a constraint.

For now, I mind also Job Shop (Flow Shop is basically the same where the jobs have to be in the same order on every shops)

Sorry for the very big question, but for this kind of problem, it's better to have all the details to know what is it about.


I will add the source code of the 3 contraints above, maybe something is wrong inside and I don't see what...

Constraint n°1 :

/** the job i can be on only 1 shop for a time k */
unsigned int writeConstraintOne(Problem* problem, unsigned int timeMax, FILE* file, char forReal) {

unsigned int final = 0;
unsigned int max = getNbVariables(problem,timeMax);

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < problem->nbShops; i++) {

  for(unsigned int l = 0; l < problem->nbShops; l++) {

    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < problem->nbJobs; j++) {

     for(unsigned int t = 0; t < timeMax; t++) {

      if(i == l) continue;

      /** We get the S_i_j_t */
      unsigned int A = getIdOfVariable(problem,i,j,t,timeMax);

      /** We get the S_l_j_t */
      unsigned int B = getIdOfVariable(problem,l,j,t,timeMax);


      /* This fonction will or count the number of clauses, 
       * or write them inside the file. */
      if(forReal == 1) {

          /* It represents -A => B */
          fprintf(file,"-%d -%d 0n",A,B);
   return final;

Constraint n°2 :

/** shop j can handle only 1 job for a time k. */
unsigned int writeConstraintTwo(Problem* problem, unsigned int timeMax, FILE* file, char forReal) {

unsigned int final = 0;
unsigned int max = getNbVariables(problem,timeMax);

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < problem->nbShops; i++) {

  for(unsigned int l = 0; l < problem->nbJobs; l++) {

    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < problem->nbJobs; j++) {

     for(unsigned int t = 0; t < timeMax; t++) {

      if(j == l) continue;

      /** We get the S_i_j_t */
      unsigned int A = getIdOfVariable(problem,i,j,t,timeMax);

      /** We get the S_i_l_t */
      unsigned int B = getIdOfVariable(problem,i,l,t,timeMax);


      /* This fonction will or count the number of clauses, 
       * or write them inside the file. */
      if(forReal == 1) {

          /* It represents -A => B */
          fprintf(file,"-%d -%d 0n",A,B);
   return final;

Constraint n°3 :

/** if the job has a duration more than 1, it has to be contineous. 
 *  So if one variable is true, the other after until the end of duration 
 *  of the task have to be true also. */
unsigned int writeConstraintThree(Problem* problem, unsigned int timeMax, FILE* file, char forReal) {

unsigned int final = 0;
unsigned int max = getNbVariables(problem,timeMax);

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < problem->nbShops; i++) {

    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < problem->nbJobs; j++) {

     for(unsigned int t = 0; t < timeMax; t++) {

     for(unsigned int k = 0; k < problem->resource[i][j].value-1; k++) {

      if(k == t) continue;

      /** We get the S_i_j_t */
      unsigned int A = getIdOfVariable(problem,i,j,t,timeMax);

      /** We get the S_i_j_k */
      unsigned int B = getIdOfVariable(problem,i,j,k,timeMax);

      final+= 2;

      /* This fonction will or count the number of clauses, 
       * or write them inside the file. */
      if(forReal == 1) {

          fprintf(file,"-%d %d 0n",B,A);
          fprintf(file,"-%d %d 0n",A,B);
   return final;


There is a bug in the first two equation you are giving: you are missing an l != j. Of course I have no idea if this bug is in your code as well.

I think you are also missing a constraint that says: every job has to happen on every machine at least once (you only have the at most once part).

On more hint for debugging this: try it with the simplest examples that are possible: 1 machine, 1 job; and work from there to 2 machines, 1 job and 1 machine 2 jobs.

With 2 machines and three jobs, there is to much that can go wrong.


