
由网友(诺言。一场华丽的谎言罢了)分享简介:我有一个字符串数以千计一些在里面。我需要经过串并找到最长的一组是按照数字顺序字符。例如:I have a string with thousands of number in it. I need to go through the string and find the longest set of charact...


I have a string with thousands of number in it. I need to go through the string and find the longest set of characters that are in numerical order. For example:

string = '1223123341223455'


The longest string of characters in that string in numerical order is 1223455 and it is 7 characters long. Here is an example of what I have at the moment:

 while a < len(string)+1:
    if string[a] <= string[b]:
        r += string[a]
        if len(r) < len(r2):
            r = r2
    a += 1
    b += 1


With this it tells me that the string index is out of range on the line:

if string[a] <= string[b]


Here is my logic: Check to see if the first number is less than or equal to the second number. If it is, those two numbers are in numerical order. Add that first number to an empty string. Keep doing this until you run into a point when the first number is greater than the second number. After this point is reached, save what you have as a string and continue where you left off, except this time concatenate the number you accumulate to a different string. After you have two strings of numbers, compare the two and take the higher one. Continue this until you are done processing the string. I hope this makes sense, kind of hard to explain.


字符串都为0。因此,如果您尝试访问索引 some_str [LEN(some_str)] 您将获得 IndexError ,因为该字符串的最高指数 LEN(some_str) - 1 。改变你的,而条件:而&LT; LEN(MyString的):。此外,你不应该使用字符串作为一个变量,因为它可能会掩盖蟒蛇字符串模块的名称。

Strings are indexed at 0. So if you try to access some_str[len(some_str)] you will get an IndexError because the highest index of that string is len(some_str) - 1. Change your while condition to: while a < len(myString):. Also, you shouldn't use string as a variable, as it may overshadow the python string module name.


