
由网友(命里缺個你)分享简介:我有多项式的系统,相当简单的多项式EX pressions而是长优化我的手。实施例pressions分组在集,而在一组给定的有在多个变量常用术语I have systems of polynomials, fairly simple polynomial expressions but rather longto...

我有多项式的系统,相当简单的多项式EX pressions而是长 优化我的手。实施例pressions分组在集,而在一组给定的有在多个变量常用术语

I have systems of polynomials, fairly simple polynomial expressions but rather long to optimize my hand. Expressions are grouped in sets, and in a given set there are common terms in several variables.


I would like to know if there is a computer algebra system, such as Mathematica, Matlab, or sympy, which can optimize multiple polynomials with common terms to minimize number of operations. It would be also great if such system can minimize the number of intermediate terms to reduce number of registers.


If such system is not existing, I am going to do my own, using Python symbolic algebra Sympy. If you are working on such package or are interested in developing or using one, please let me know.


here is a made-up example

x0 = ((t - q*A)*x + B)*y
y0 = ((t - q*A)*y + B)*z
z0 = ((t - q*A)*z + B)*x

这样你就可以很明显的因素(T - QA)项。现在如果你让术语的数目非常大与常用术语的各种组合,难以用手做。我有涉及多达40项,并集的大小的公式是大约20希望帮助

so you can obviously factor the (t - qA) term. Now if you make number of terms very large with various combinations of common terms it becomes difficult to do by hand. The equations I have involve up to 40 terms and the size of set is around 20. Hope that helps



Mathomatic可能是你正在寻找的轻量级解决方案。看一看: HTTP:www.mathomatic.org

Mathomatic may be the lightweight solution you are looking for. Have a look: http:www.mathomatic.org.


It does simple algebra with all the usual operators, is able to simplify symbolic expressions, solve for variables and sets of eqns.

它没有编程能力。 你可以建立一个独立的应用程序,或者使用库的形式API和头文件将在C,C ++或Objective-C,或者你可以从你的应用程序,其中所提供的命令行环境启动的应用程序。

It has no programming capability. You can build a standalone app, or use the API in the form of a library and header files to incorporate it in C,C++ or Objective-C, or you could launch the app from your application where you supply the command line and environment.


Have a look at NSTask, which also allows to pipe stdin and stdout to datastreams in your own app.


Mathomatic is also able to save the resulting expressions in java, python or maxima format for inclusion in the program code on these systems.


