
由网友(__豪情万纵)分享简介:假设你有一个大的网格。您有关于点集的操作对象。 presumably合理的方式来实现这有合理的性能在运行时(即说合理规模的网格游戏),presuming的可用内存是:Lets say you have a large grid. You have objects that operate on sets of poi...

假设你有一个大的网格。您有关于点集的操作对象。 presumably合理的方式来实现这有合理的性能在运行时(即说合理规模的网格游戏),presuming的可用内存是:

Lets say you have a large grid. You have objects that operate on sets of points. Presumably the reasonable way to implement this to have reasonable performance at runtime (namely say reasonably sized grids for games), presuming memory is available is that:


You have pointers to every object that operates on a particular point for every point.


Let us presume that however that the precision of the grid is prohibitive and you don't want to store pointers for every point, presumably you would implement something like:



The next question is, what is the best way to find subsets of a space containing a point in a set of said subsets?



One can either do a naive selection search (N) through the entire set or one can index origin/inverse pos axes and then do an intersection of matched ranges.


With regards to indexing of properties of objects stored in memory datastructures, one can presumably optimally implement:

维护B树索引对象属性 搜索索引和不相交/用于查询联合

Maintain B-Tree index on object properties Search indexes and do intersect/union for queries


So essentially this is a question as to whether:

在我错过了一些关于请求这类信息从一个网格? 怎么一一般无二有关实现内存索引(当然他们可能只用一大组小范围时很有用,考虑到路口将是巨大的成本是多少?)

Sorted字符串表(的SSTable)或B +树的数据库索引?


There is that thread. I don't understand how they are storing an index in what appears to be something like an array. How do they get around the N cost of insertion/shifting into the middle of an (dynamic/on disk) array?


如果我正确理解你的问题,你有在一系列点的网格上运行的对象,那么你可以重新present这一点的, 2维区间树。

If I understand your question correctly in that you have objects that operate on a range of points on a grid, then you can represent this with a 2-dimensional interval tree.


