
由网友(执手不离)分享简介:我有事件(开始日期,结束日期,地点)的数据集。这些活动将在全国,我需要找出哪些事件就结束之后应该去的地方。I have a data set of events (start date, end date, location). These events move in the country and I need...


I have a data set of events (start date, end date, location). These events move in the country and I need to figure out which event should go where after it ends.


[1/7,6/7,多伦多(启动7月1日,结束月6日) [2/7,4/7,蒙特利尔] [4/7,11/7,渥太华] [17/7,22/7,温哥华]


..etc (Data set will be around 100 entries, so performance is not really an issue)

在本例,事件1可以移动,做事件4,因为它结束于七月六日和事件4开始的第17位。 (在同一天假设过境)

In this exemple, Event 1 could move and do Event 4, since it ends on the 6th of July and Event 4 starts on the 17th. (Assuming transit in the same day)


All Events that couldn't find a suitable match will be stored in a report for someone to match manually.


This optimization code will be done in javascript.


My first thought was to have 2 arrays, with the same data. First array sorted by Start Date, 2nd array sorted by End Date. Then go through the list of End Dates and try to find an appropriate Start Date for it, then remove these entries from the array and continue like that until no more matching is possible.


Anybody has a better idea on how to approach this problem ? If you need more details let me know!



Your question isn't very clear. If I understand correctly, your goal is to choose a subset of events such that your selection maximizes the number of events (and there are not overlapping events). If so, your problem can be seen as an Activity Selection Problem. There is a simple greedy algorithm to solve that.

event[1..n] the n events
start[i] the start time of the event number i
finish[i] the finish time of the event number i


and assume that you already sorted the events by end time.

下面的贪心算法会发现在最大的子集的取值的非重叠事件: (注意, LSE 的是最后选定事件的)

The following greedy algorithm will find the largest subset S of non overlapping events: (note that lse is the Last Selected Event)

S = {event[1]}
lse = 1

foreach event[i] do:
     if start[i] > finish[lse]:
         S = S + {event[i]}
         lse = i

return S


您按结束时间的事件排序 您选择的第一个事件 您环路上的事件,贪婪地选择第一一个不与最后一个重叠的选择

