
由网友(星星跌入夢境)分享简介:我写一个函数,将两个链接列表。 (注意:该功能是基于pre-给出的情况下,你想知道为什么我调用一个函数节点(i)code )。 I have written a function that merges two linked list. (Note that the function is based on pre-...

我写一个函数,将两个链接列表。 (注意:该功能是基于pre-给出的情况下,你想知道为什么我调用一个函数节点(i)code )。

I have written a function that merges two linked list. (Note that the function is based on pre-given code in case you wonder why i'm calling a function node(i)).

public SLL mergeUnsorted(SLL otherList)
    // find length of this list
    int length = 0 ;
    Iterator itr = this.iterator() ;
    while (itr.hasNext())
        Object elem  = itr.next() ;
        length++ ;

    // get each node from this list and
    // add it to front of otherList list
    int i = length -1 ;
    while (i >= 0)
        // returns node from this list
        SLLNode ins = node(i) ;

        ins.succ = otherList.first ;
        otherList.first = ins ;
        i-- ;
    return this ;

第一部分为O(n) 第二部分为O(n)

first part O(n) second part O(n)


或者是为O(n ^ 2),因为我遍历列表两次?

or is it O(n^2) because i traverse the list twice?



Because you traversed the list twice, it's O(2n).. which is O(n). It is linear growth.


Also, in most programming languages, the length of a collection is already tracked, so you can just pull that property instead of iterating twice.


