
由网友(蹲在坟头去吓鬼)分享简介:我是新来的,我也有新的Python。我希望得到您的帮助,谢谢。I'm new here and I'm also new to python. I would like to get your help, please.def lines(path, prefix):funf = open(path, 'r')di...


I'm new here and I'm also new to python. I would like to get your help, please.

def lines(path, prefix):
  funf = open(path, 'r')
  dictionary = {}
  for lines in funf:
     word = lines.split()
     a_word = (word[0])
     dictionary[a_word] = dictionary.get(a_word, 0) + 1
  if prefix != word[0]:
     return 0
     return dictionary[prefix]


    inpath = "filetext1.txt"


 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:..........py", line 29, in <module>
 File "C:..........py", line 11, 
 in lines
if prefix != word[0]:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'word' referenced before assignment

这是什么问题,我如何改变它,它会更好? 我问的想法和选项(但是请,不改变更多的事情,在code ......它必须是这样的结构!

What is the problem, how can I change it so it would be better? I'm asking for ideas and options (but please, without changing more things in the code... It has to be something like this structure!!!



在你的code时,如果preFIX!=字[0] 部分正在发生的之外的循环后,循环运行完毕。因此,对于一个非空文件,将是文件的最后一行的分裂。而对于一个空文件,将永远不会被置位,产生正是您发布的错误。

In your code, the if prefix != words[0] part is happening outside the loop, after the loop has finished running. So, for a non-empty file, words will be the split of the last line of the file. And for an empty file, words will never have been set, causing exactly the error you posted.

作为一个方面说明,即对于F中的行:是循环对一些全局对象 F ,而不是文件刚刚打开,这就是所谓的 funf 。所以,我怀疑 F 是某种空可迭代的,和你看到的这个功能,即使该文件,你想看看IS的不是空。如果你要循环 funf ,你必须告诉Python的 funf ,不是 F

As a side note, that for lines in f: is looping over some global object f, not the file you just opened, which is called funf. So, I suspect that f is some kind of empty iterable, and you're seeing this function even when the file you wanted to look at is not empty. If you want to loop over funf, you have to tell Python funf, not f.


And you already know this isn't correct, as in this comment:


word is the split of line. I can't do it outside the for loop


If you want to run it inside the loop, you will need to indent it to match the code inside the loop. In Python, block structure is based on indentation level:

def lines(path, prefix):
    funf = open(path, 'r')
    dictionary = {}
    for lines in f:
        word = lines.split()
        a_word = (word[0])
        dictionary[a_word] = dictionary.get(a_word, 0) + 1
        if prefix != word[0]:
            return 0
            return dictionary[prefix]

这意味着你将不再得到一个错误; 将永远在使用它来定义。

That means you'll no longer get an error; words will always be defined when you use it.

有等的问题与此code:你是返回 ING每一行后,这意味着你永远也没有机会第二线;你返回 ING在关闭前的文件,这意味着永远不会被关闭的文件;这是非常误导用于个别事物和奇异的变量名的东西列出多个变量的名字;这是混淆使用本地变量具有相同名称的功能;等等。但有一件事的时间...

There are other problems with this code: you're returning after each line, meaning you'll never get to the second line; you're returning before you close the file, meaning the file never gets closed; it's very misleading to use plural variables names for individual things and singular variable names for lists of things; it's confusing to use a local variable with the same name as the function; etc. But one thing at a time…


After half an hour of pulling teeth, you finally explained what you're trying to do:


I'm trying to count the number of lines whose first word matches the prefix


There is no way to do that with this structure. Whether you do the if inside the loop or out, it doesn't make any sense.


The simplest way to fix it is to remove the if entirely. You're building up a dictionary of counts of each first word, right? So, just look up the value for the given prefix at the end:

def lines(path, prefix):
    funf = open(path, 'r')
    dictionary = {}
    for lines in funf:
        word = lines.split()
        a_word = (word[0])
        dictionary[a_word] = dictionary.get(a_word, 0) + 1
    return dictionary.get(prefix, 0)


This will work, but it's incredibly wasteful to build up this whole dictionary just to get a single value out of it, and makes your code much more complicated as well… the whole thing could be written as:

def lines(path, prefix):
    with open(path) as f:
        return sum(1 for line in f if line.startswith(prefix))


Here's my filetext1.txt:

This is a test.
But this isn't.
But this is.
And this isn't.


The output should obviously be 2, right?


And both versions of my code—the "simplest fix" and the two-liner—both print ut this:


这工作在这两个的Python 3.3和2.7。如果它不为你工作,或者你没有在复制和粘贴code或输入文件没有开始任何行,但

This works in both Python 3.3 and 2.7. If it's not working for you, either you failed at copying and pasting the code, or your input file doesn't have any lines starting with "But ".


