
由网友(记得叫兽欧巴)分享简介:刚拿到这是面试的问题,并没有做太多热就可以了,我能得到它的工作缓慢而负数搞砸了。Just got this as job interview question and didn't do too hot on it, I was able to get it working slowly but negative n...


Just got this as job interview question and didn't do too hot on it, I was able to get it working slowly but negative numbers screwed it up.


The question was to find the largest difference between each pair including subtracting the indices. so it might be easier to show with an example.

A = [1,-3,3];


The answer would be 6 because:

a[2] + a[2] + (2-2) = 6


I don't have my solution but I will try and add it in if I can get access to it.

他们正在寻找一个解决方案 O(N)

They were looking a solution in O(n).



I am pretty sure the correct solution would give you 7 not 6.

a <- c(1,-3,3)

dist <- outer(a, a, FUN="-") + # matrix of first number minus second number
        outer(0:(length(a)-1), 0:(length(a)-1),"-") # adjust for diff in indices

max(dist) # returns 7

此距离是在3和-3(6)加上指数之间的差异(2-1或1-0 = 1,这取决于你语言),共7

This distance is between 3 and -3 (6) plus the difference between indices (2-1 or 1-0 =1, depending on your language) for a total of 7.

> outer(a, a, FUN="-") # note in r indices start with 1, but same idea
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    0    4   -2
[2,]   -4    0   -6
[3,]    2    6    0
> outer(0:(length(a)-1), 0:(length(a)-1),"-") 
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    0   -1   -2
[2,]    1    0   -1
[3,]    2    1    0
             ^plus this

