我该如何定位的观点在Interface Builder为3.5“和4个”视网膜?视网膜、我该、观点、Interface

由网友(一个人寂寞)分享简介:我要那么它出现在中心两个3.5和4个视网膜屏幕来定位一个UIView。什么是做到这一点的最好方法是什么?如果我关闭了所有的自动调整大小酒吧我希望它对准屏幕的中心,但是这似乎并没有发生。I want to position a UIView so it appears in the centre on both 3.5...


I want to position a UIView so it appears in the centre on both 3.5" and 4" Retina screens. What is the best way to do this? If I turn off all the Autosizing bars I would expect it to align to the centre of the screen, but this doesn't seem to happen.


I am happy to use the new Autolayout, but I don't know how to get it to do this either.



Follow these steps for your XIB and you should be getting the correct resizing for your views:


For seamless iOS4 compatibility, start by setting the top view Size to Retina 3.5 size.


Remove the size parameter for the top view and set it to "none". You should now have a main view with the correct size but without a fixed set size option.


Turn on all autosizing vertically for the top view under the "Size inspector" tab.


选择视图并转到尺寸检查标签 选择安排(中心垂直或对齐) 如果你想让它居中,取出两个对准标记的自动调整大小框。选择其中的一个,如果你想让它粘或两者如果你想它来填充母。 选择是否将其相对还是不调整大小以突出或unhighlighting垂直双尖箭头 确保所有的元素都位于其预期的地方在3.5的观点在这一点 - 这是至关重要的,它的工作对iOS4的


Save your changes. Check if you were successful with your autoresizing by selecting the top view and choose size: "Retina 4 Full Screen". When doing this, your view should look like your intended result.


Undo the change in 5 (so that the view in the xib has the 3.5 size again, but the Size option set to "None", save and run your app.


This works for iOS4 also, because the size of the view is already adapted for Retina 3.5 thus no autosizing is used for the older screen size.


In some occasions, it is not possible to get the exact right sizes/positioning for all the elements. In these cases you need to programmatically change the views sizes position for the 4" screen size.


