EPEL的MongoDB将不会启动对亚马逊EC2 AMI亚马逊、MongoDB、EPEL、AMI

由网友(來去皆江湖)分享简介:使用亚马逊的Linux AMI 2013年9月2日 - AMI-bba18dd2​​(64位)Using Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.2 - ami-bba18dd2 (64-bit)我希望使用EPEL提供的MongoDB的,因为它是编译SSL支持。I want to use the mo...

使用亚马逊的Linux AMI 2013年9月2日 - AMI-bba18dd2​​(64位)

Using Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.2 - ami-bba18dd2 (64-bit)


I want to use the mongodb provided by EPEL because it is compiled with SSL support.

[root@domU-12-31-39-02-19-B8 ec2-user]# yum install mongodb-server
  mongodb-server.x86_64 0:2.4.6-1.el6                                           

Dependency Installed:


It seems like it installs with no errors.


When I start the mongod, all I get is this cryptic error.

[root@domU-12-31-39-02-19-B8 ec2-user]# mongod
mongod --help for help and startup options
mongod: symbol lookup error: mongod: undefined symbol: _ZN7pcrecpp2RE4InitEPKcPKNS_10RE_OptionsE


The only direction I see is to download the binaries directly from mongodb. Again, I would prefer the EPEL version because it contains ssl support



Is there a way to get the EPEL version to work?



The biggest point was that I wanted the SSL option enabled. I couldn't find any simple answers, so I hope this helps anyone else venturing down this road.

从EPEL版本启用是建立与PCRE-devel软件包亚马逊的AMI从amzn1 Linux的回购获得的不兼容版本的选项。

The version from EPEL with the option enabled is built with an incompatible version of pcre-devel the Amazon AMI gets from the amzn1 linux repo.

我只是重建从EPEL源RPM MongoDB的二进制文件,并安装所产生的转速和正常工作。

I simply rebuilt the mongodb binary from the EPEL source RPM and the resulting RPM installed and worked fine.


Had to pull down other packages to do it.

yum install rpm-build redhat-rpm-config gcc  gcc-c++ make yum install openssl-devel snappy-devel v8-devel boost-devel python-devel python-nose scons pcre-devel readline-devel libpcap-devel gperftools-devel –y

rpmbuild --rebuild mongodb-2.4.6-1.el6.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild python-pymongo-2.5.2-3.el6.src.rpm 
rpmbuild --rebuild v8- 


The packages are posted publicly for anyone else who struggles with this and to stay consistent with the AGPL license.


It took almost 45 minutes for it to rebuild, so I put up a small repo so that I don't have to rebuild every new instance as well as some instructions if others want to use any of it.

说明: http://mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in

wget http://mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in/mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in.repo
sudo mv mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in.repo
sudo yum install mongodb-server mongodb python-pymongo python-pymongo-gridfs -y

回购文件: HTTP://mongodb.ssl .amzn1.bauman.in / mongodb.ssl.amzn1.bauman.in.repo


