替代Amazon S3的数据中心?数据中心、Amazon

由网友(流年似水花似夢。)分享简介:我在找的是类似亚马逊S3,在自己的数据中心本地运行一个简单的服务来存储和检索任意数据(和元数据),但有一项服务。严格来说,我不知道你是否会称之为CDN或一个轻量级的CMS。 I'm looking to for a service that is similar to Amazon S3, a simple serv...


I'm looking to for a service that is similar to Amazon S3, a simple service to store and retrieve arbitrary data (and meta-data), but one that runs locally in your own data center. Strictly speaking, I'm not sure whether you would call this a CDN or a lightweight CMS.

它必须是可水平扩展(包括用于存储和带宽)和故障容忍的。它也必须支持REST,preferably WS也采用了可插拔的身份验证和授权系统。一些建使用Java EE将是preferable为更方便地集成和可扩展性,但​​是这仅仅是一个个人preference,并且它不是一个要求。

It must be horizontally scalable (both for storage and bandwidth) and fault tolerable. It must also support REST, preferably WS too, with a pluggable authentication and authorization system. Something built with Java EE would be preferable for more convenient integration and extensibility, but this is just a personal preference, and it not a requirement.




Here are a few open source solutions I have come across that deserve further research:

Apache的吊索(JCR基于CMS(的 JSR170 , JSR283 ),基于REST接口)。 的Apache Hadoop的(基于Java的分布式数据存储,地图缩小功能)。 HBase的(建立在Hadoop之上,provding谷歌的Bigtable般的能力)。 CouchDB的(基于Erlang的键/值分贝的Map / Reduce功能,RESTful接口)。 Dynomite (基于Erlang的,亚马逊的发电机克隆)。 伏地魔(分布式键值存储系统)。 卡桑德拉(高度可扩展,最终一致,分布式的结构化键值存储)。 的MongoDB (高可扩展性,JSON文件的存储)。 Apache Sling (JCR based CMS (JSR170, JSR283), RESTful interface). Apache Hadoop (Java based distributed data-store, map reduce functionality). HBase (built on top of Hadoop, provding Google Bigtable-like capabilities). CouchDB (Erlang based key/value DB with Map/Reduce functionality, RESTful interface). Dynomite (Erlang based, Amazon dynamo clone). Voldemort (Distributed key-value storage system). Cassandra (highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store). MongoDB (highly scalable, JSON document based storage).

