如何使用FTP在Amazon AWS如何使用、FTP、AWS、Amazon

由网友(跟着姐横着走 ζ。)分享简介:今天是试图利用亚马逊的第二天,我已经开始拉我的头发。我想架设FTP亚马逊。我已经签署了与他们,并与亚马逊EC2创建一个实例。我已经下载了钥匙,我能够登录使用ssh使用通过终端在我的Mac。我可以通过终端创建的实例文件。实例是类似以下内容:公共DNS:ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazon...

今天是试图利用亚马逊的第二天,我已经开始拉我的头发。我想架设FTP亚马逊。我已经签署了与他们,并与亚马逊EC2创建一个实例。我已经下载了钥匙,我能够登录使用ssh使用通过终端在我的Mac。我可以通过终端创建的实例文件。 实例是类似以下内容:  公共DNS:ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

Today is my second day of trying to use amazon and i have started to pull my hairs. I want to set up ftp with amazon. I have signed up with them and and created an instance with amazon EC2. I have downloaded the key and I am able to login with ssh using the through Terminal in my mac. I can create files in the instance through terminal. The instance is something like following: Public DNS: ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

我已经创建时,透过终端这个位置index.html文件。但我无法看到它使用以下网址浏览器: ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/index.html 我只是想在这里创建Web服务,我将使用iPhone。

I have created a index.html file at this location via terminal. But I am not able to view it in the browser using following url: ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/index.html I just want to create web services here which I will be using in iPhone.


Also I am not sure how to go forward. How will I get to my local files and upload them to server. In other ftps I could do it using lcd, get, put etc but these commands are not working here. can some one please help me how should I go ahead because at this moment I am just banging my head to wall. Someone please help me.

感谢 潘卡




Dmitry Leskov is actually the better one. You should use his approach.



You first have to setup a LAMP (Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP) stack on your EC2 instance to run any kind of web service.


This means you have to go trough the following steps:

创建一个EC2实例 设置EBS存储的MySQL数据 在安装MySQL 配置MySQL 在安装Apache 配置Apache 在安装PHP 在配置PHP

如果你需要一个详细的说明,我建议你去看看这个:的建筑EC2与LAMP 。

If you need a detailed instruction, I'd recommend you to take a look at this: Building EC2 with LAMP.

要文件传送到你的EC2实例,你可以使用任何FTP客户端,支持SFTP和密钥对(你还可以启用 Password验证的SSH登录凭据)。我使用的传输,没有任何问题。

To transfer files to your EC2 instance you can use any FTP client, which supports SFTP and key pairs (you can also enable PasswordAuthentication for SSH to login with credentials). I'm using Transmit with no problems.


