由网友(朱颜辞镜花辞树)分享简介:我是pretty的新的亚马逊网络服务。我从一个AMI推出了服务器的非EBS实例,并做了一些配置。我想现在停止服务器,但我只看到选项重新启动和终止。 I am pretty new to Amazon Web Services. I have launched a non-EBS instance of a serve...


I am pretty new to Amazon Web Services. I have launched a non-EBS instance of a server from an AMI and have done some configuration. I want to stop the server now, but I only see options to Reboot and Terminate.


I understand that if I terminate everything is gone. I thought that I could make a "snapshot" of this configuration which could be stored in S3 or something, so that I could later use the snapshot as an AMI and launch that instead.

很显然,我有什么错了 - 有人可以纠正我,我在哪里大错特错?谢谢你。

Obviously I have something wrong - can someone correct me where I am off base? Thanks.


当你说,非EBS,你的意思的 EC2实例存储支持的机器。还有就是快照的您的实例存储设备提供了AWS控制台没有直接的菜单选项。这家工厂当你有机器通过EBS(也,你会看到其他方便的选择EBS备份机)。支持你。

When you say, non-EBS, you mean EC2 instance store-backed machine. There is no direct menu option provided in AWS console to snapshot your instance store machine. This facility you get when you have machine backed by EBS (also, you'd see other convenient options for EBS backed machines).


So, for instance stored backed machines, you need to get your hands dirty. Up your sleeve, here is what you need to do:


Create a bucket in S3.

获取 EC2-AMI-工具 ,也 EC2-API工具 您的机器/实例。 导出及其文件夹到你的 $ PATH

Get EC2-AMI-Tools, and also EC2-API-Tools on your machine/instance. export their bin folders to your $PATH

使用 EC2束卷捆绑了您的实例成一个AMI包。 (这不会捆绑了某些目录,例如的/ mnt 的/ dev ,...)

Use ec2-bundle-volume to bundle up your instance into a AMI package. (this would not bundle up certain directories, e.g. /mnt, /dev,...)

上传捆绑使用 EC2上传束命令你的水桶。

Upload your bundle to your bucket using ec2-upload-bundle command.

然后你就可以注册您的AMI,使用 EC2注册命令。

Then you can register your AMI,using ec2-register command.

这AMI现已注册为您的私人AMI。你可以看到它在你的AWS Web控制台下的的AMI 。您可以启动这个AMI,这将是在同一个状态的例子是,当您创建的AMI。

This AMI is now registered as your private AMI. You can see it in your AWS Web Console under AMIs. You can launch this AMI, and it will be in the same state as your instance was, when you created your AMI.


Amazon指导如何建立AMI Short从RightScale的甜蜜文章 Amazon guide on how to create AMI Short and sweet article from RightScale

