


We're using amazon web service for a business application which is using node.js server and mongodb as database. Currently the node.js server is runing on a EC2 medium instance. And we're keeping our mongodb database in a separate micro instance. Now we want to deploy replica set in our mongodb database, so that if the mongodb gets locked or unavailble, we still can run our database and get data from it.


So we're trying to keep each member of the replica set in separate instances, so that we can get data from the database even if the instance of the primary memeber shuts down.


Now, I want to add load balancer in the database, so that the database works fine even in huge traffic load at a time. In that case I can read balance the database by adding slaveOK config in the replicaSet. But it'll not load balance the database if there is huge traffic load for write operation in the database.


To solve this problem I got two options till now.


Option 1: I've to shard the database and keep each shard in separate instance. And under each shard there will be a reaplica set in the same instance. But there is a problem, as the shard divides the database in multiple parts, so each shard will not keep same data within it. So if one instance shuts down, we'll not be able to access the data from the shard within that instance.

要解决这个问题,我想在分裂的碎片数据库和每个碎片都会在不同的情况下,一个replicaSet。因此,即使一个实例关闭,我们将不会面临任何问题。但是,如果我们已经2碎片和每个碎片已在replicaSet 3名成员那么我就需要6 AWS实例。所以,我认为这不是最佳的解决方案。

To solve this problem I'm trying to divide the database in shards and each shard will have a replicaSet in separate instances. So even if one instance shuts down, we'll not face any problem. But if we've 2 shards and each shard has 3 members in the replicaSet then I need 6 aws instances. So I think it's not the optimal solution.

选项2:我们可以创建MongoDB的主 - 主配置,这意味着所有的数据库将是主要的且都将具有读/写访问的,但我也想他们自动同步与对方几乎每经常,所以他们都最终会被彼此的克隆。而所有这些主数据库将在单独的实例。但我不知道MongoDB中是否支持这种结构还是不行。

Option 2: We can create a master-master configuration in the mongodb, that means all the database will be primary and all will have read/write access, but I would also like them to auto-sync with each other every so often, so they all end up being clones of each other. And all these primary databases will be in separate instance. But I don't know whether mongodb supports this structure or not.

我没有得到任何的MongoDB DOC /博客的这种情况。所以,请建议我应该是什么这个问题的最佳解决方案。

I've not got any mongodb doc/ blog for this situation. So, please suggest me what should be the best solution for this problem.



This won't be a complete answer by far, there is too many details and I could write an entire essay about this question as could many others however, since I don't have that kind of time to spare, I will add some commentary about what I see.


Now, I want to add load balancer in the database, so that the database works fine even in huge traffic load at a time.


Replica sets are not designed to work like that. If you wish to load balance you might in fact be looking for sharding which will allow you to do this.



In that case I can read balance the database by adding slaveOK config in the replicaSet.


Since, to stay up to date, your members will be getting just as many ops as the primary it seems like this might not help too much.


In reality instead of having one server with many connections queued you have many connections on many servers queueing for stale data since member consistency is eventual, not immediate unlike ACID technologies, however, that being said they are only eventually consistent by 32-odd ms which means they are not lagging enough to give decent throughput if the primary is loaded.


Since reads ARE concurrent you will get the same speed whether you are reading from the primary or secondary. I suppose you could delay a slave to create a pause of OPs but that would bring back massively stale data in return.


Not to mention that MongoDB is not multi-master as such you can only write to one node a time makes slaveOK not the most useful setting in the world any more and I have seen numerous times where 10gen themselves recommend you use sharding over this setting.

选项2:我们可以在MongoDB中创建一个主 - 主配置,

Nginx配置实例 负载均衡

Option 2: We can create a master-master configuration in the mongodb,

这需要你自己的编码。在这一点上,你可能需要使用支持 http://en.wikipedia.org数据库实际上考虑/维基/多master_replication

This would require you own coding. At which point you may want to consider actually using a database that supports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-master_replication


This is since the speed you are looking for is most likely in fact in writes not reads as I discussed above.


Option 1: I've to shard the database and keep each shard in separate instance.


This is the recommended way but you have found the caveat with it. This is unfortunately something that remains unsolved that multi-master replication is supposed to solve, however, multi-master replication does add its own ship of plague rats to Europe itself and I would strongly recommend you do some serious research before you think as to whether MongoDB cannot currently service your needs.


You might be worrying about nothing really since the fsync queue is designed to deal with the IO bottleneck slowing down your writes as it would in SQL and reads are concurrent so if you plan your schema and working set right you should be able to get a massive amount of OPs.

有实际上是一个链接的问题在这里从10gen公司的员工,这是非常好的阅读: http://stackoverflow.com /一/三十八万三千四百七十八分之一千七百四十五万九千四百八十八,它表明到底有多少吞吐量的MongoDB可以在负载下实现的。

There is in fact a linked question around here from a 10gen employee that is very good to read: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17459488/383478 and it shows just how much throughput MongoDB can achieve under load.


It will grow soon with the new document level locking that is already in dev branch.


