如何玩从Amazon S3的视频在Android应用程序?应用程序、视频、Amazon、Android

由网友(无法呼吸的鱼)分享简介:我用 AWS-Android的SDK-1.4.3 /样本/ S3_SimpleDB_SNS_SQS_Demo 来preVIEW存储在Amazon(亚马逊简单存储服务),我的文件。翻翻code,我看到,他们利用这一点,来存取权限的文件:I use aws-android-sdk-1.4.3/samples/S3_S...

我用 AWS-Android的SDK-1.4.3 /样本/ S3_SimpleDB_SNS_SQS_Demo 来preVIEW存储在Amazon(亚马逊简单存储服务),我的文件。翻翻code,我看到,他们利用这一点,来存取权限的文件:

I use aws-android-sdk-1.4.3/samples/S3_SimpleDB_SNS_SQS_Demo to preview my files stored on Amazon (Amazon Simple Storage Service). Looking through code I saw that they use this, to acces the files:


 public static String getDataForObject( String bucketName, String objectName ) {
        return read( getInstance().getObject( bucketName, objectName ).getObjectContent() );

protected static String read( InputStream stream ) {
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 8196 );
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int length = 0;
        while ( ( length = stream.read( buffer ) ) > 0 ) {
            baos.write( buffer, 0, length );

        return baos.toString();
    catch ( Exception exception ) {
        return exception.getMessage();



嗯,我已经修改了此方法,以返回 ByteArrayOutputStream ,而不是那么我很容易把它转换为字符串位图(将 ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()然后使用 BitmapFactory.de codeByteArray(byte []的数据,诠释抵消,诠释长度,选项选择采用))。

Well, I have modified this methods to return ByteArrayOutputStream instead then I easily transform it to String or Bitmap (applying ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() then using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byte[] data, int offset, int length, Options opts)).


So, it works on text-files and pictures. My problem is when I try to access videos. So, my questions are:

1,使用上面提供的方法,我怎么能得到从 ByteArrayOutputStream 视频( ByteArrayOutputStream.toString()),并在播放一个 VideoView 或使用的MediaPlayer 或办法...?

1.Using the method provided above, how could I get a video from ByteArrayOutputStream (ByteArrayOutputStream.toString()) and play it in a VideoView or using MediaPlayer or an approach... ?

2。有谁知道任何其他解决方案以preVIEW视频这个问题,存储在Amazon? (听说他们的 SDK IOS 他们使用的URL来访问文件...)

2 . Does anybody know any other solution to this problem of preview videos stored on Amazon ? (I heard that on their sdk for IOS they use URLs to access files...)


PS: Supplying the file URL and open it in browser does not make sense, because this URLs expire after a wile.


首先,我们要为我们的桶的名称和对象(见 AWS-Android的SDK-1.4.3 /样本/ S3_SimpleDB_SNS_SQS_Demo 的COMPLET指南)我们要打开,然后获取URL我们的目标:

First we have to provide the name of our bucket and the object (see aws-android-sdk-1.4.3/samples/S3_SimpleDB_SNS_SQS_Demo for a complet guide) we want to open then get the URL to our object:

    AWSCredentials myCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("YOUR_AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "YOUR_AMAZON_SECRET_KEY_ID");
    AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(myCredentials);
    GeneratePresignedUrlRequest request = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucketName, objectName);
    URL objectURL = s3client.generatePresignedUrl(request);


Now, just play the video in a video view, supplying the URL obtained:

    mediaCtrl = new MediaController(this);
    Uri clip = Uri.parse(objectURL.toString());


I want to give thanks to @CommonsWare for

说明我通过 REST API (甚至是code我用的是从 AWS-SDK REST API 文件帮我,也表明亚马逊请求对象)的其他方式

indicating me through REST API (even the code I used is from aws-sdk reading the REST API documentation helped me and show also other ways of requesting Amazon objects)




